Chapter twenty-nine

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Stretching my arms across the bed, I feel no one beside me. I open my eyes to see that Roger isn't in the room. The clock says its eleven.

I sit up and yawn. Throwing on my silk robe, I head downstairs, looking for Roger.

"What were you doing with my little sister last night, pretty boy?" I hear my brother say.

I peep around the corner and see my brother has backed Roger into a corner. I can see Roger's face, as he is turned to me, and my brothers back.

"Uh, nothing worse than what we've done before," he gulps, "Uh that's not what I meant to say." My eyes widen and my hand flies to my face. That idiot. My brother is going to kill him.

"What is that supposed to mean? You've been messing with my little sister?" Danny says. He grabs Roger by the collar when he doesn't answer.

I decide to step in now. "Daniel Richards! Leave him alone!" I fuss. He turns his head to look at me. I shoot him a nasty glare and he releases Roger.

I walk to them and grab Roger's arm, still glaring at Dan, and bring him to the living room.

"You realize you practically told my brother that we've had sex, right?" I say crossing my arms. "I'm sorry, love. I just wasn't thinking and it was the first This that came to mind," he apologizes.

"I need to talk to Danny. You should probably go home before he murders you," I tell him. He nods his head.

I walk him to the front door, his hand in mine. He takes my hand to his lips and leaves a kiss on my knuckles. "Goodbye, my love," He says. He pulls me closer and leaves a kiss on my lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow for your birthday," he adds. I completely forgot tomorrow is my birthday. "Bye, Roger," I say. He leaves on more peck on my cheek before he leaves.

"Daniel James Richards!," I say, walking into the kitchen, "Why can't you just accept Roger?"

"Many reasons. One being the fact that he put his hands on you and just admitted to it!" He says, crossing his arms.

"Danny, I love him. Isn't that enough. He's good to me and he treats me amazingly if that makes you feel better," I say the last remark with sarcasm.

"When I met Beth for the first time, I wasn't rude to her. I didn't question your relationship. Why do you have to do it to me?" I ask.

"So he's actually serious about you?" He says with disbelief. "Yes, of course he is," I nod my head. "And you really love him?" He asks.

"More than anything," I respond. "Fine, I'll stop giving him a hard time. And I grant him permission to my little sister," he finally says. I roll my eyes at the last part, but I still give him a big hug.

"Thank you Danny," I say. "Anytime, Ellisie," He says. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I pull away.

"Call you want, Ellisie?" he plays dumb. "Duh," I respond. "Like that's gonna stop me," he says.

"Let's call mom and dad," he changes the subject. "Yeah! I haven't talked to them all month," I agree.

We go up the steps and into my room where the telephone is. Danny dials the number and they pick up on the third ring.

"Hello," I hear my mothers voice. "Hello mum. It's Dan," he says. They talk for a while until Danny says, "Ellie needs to share something with you and dad."

"You want me to tell them now?" I whisper. He shakes his head and pushes the phone in my hand. "Hello mum," I say quietly.

"Ellisie, How are you sweetie?" She asks. "I'm good mum. How about you?" I say. "I'm missing you," she tells me making me frown.

"What is it you need to tell me, honey?" She asks. "I uh, I have a boyfriend," I hesitate.

"Ellie! That's wonderful! Charles! Charles, come over here," I hear her yell to my father. "Hello?" He says confused.

"Hey dad," I say. "Ellie," He says, "How's London treating ya? Oh and how's Mary doing?"

"It's good, dad. And Mary's fantastic," I tell him. "What is it your mother wants me to know so bad?" He asks. "Don't freak out, but I have a boyfriend," I cringe away from the phone, awaiting his reaction.

"Well, when do I get to meet him?" He asks. I'm shocked that he wasn't pissed at me. "Oh, well, he I was hoping to bring him up in the summer or spring," I tell him.

"He won't have a break from, uh, work," I tell him, not really knowing what to call his touring and recording. "What does he do? Does he make a lot of money?" My dad jokes.

"He's in a band. You may have heard of them, Queen," I tell him. "Wow, So you're dating a celebrity? Tell me, which is he?"

"He's the drummer, Roger Taylor," I answer. "I was visiting your Uncle Ben the other day and Maggie wouldn't stop talkin about that band. It was some song, Killer Queen, I believe," he says. Maggie is my little cousin. She's sixteen years old.

"Yeah, that's them," I say.

We talk for about half an hour with my brother and mom. "Goodbye, sweetie. I'll call you again tomorrow for your birthday," my mom says. "Bye mum, dad. Love you guys," I tell them. "Love you too," they say in unison.

We hang up the phone and Danny says, "Got anything in mind for your birthday tomorrow?"

"Actually, I was thinking about having a movie night and inviting the band and Mary," I tell him. "We could watch a movie and play some games," I tell him.

"That sounds fun. Am I invited," He asks. "Of course you are, silly." I roll my eyes. "Well come on then, lets go shopping for snacks,"

Danny and I spent the rest of the day together just catching up and having fun. I don't want him to leave again.

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