Chapter thirty-two

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September 19

"Roger, why don't you just move in with me. I mean you're here 24-7 anyways," I persuade him. Today is our two month anniversary and I told him that I want him to move in with me as a present.

"I don't want to burden you, dear," he says. I roll my eyes. "It wouldn't be more of a burden than you already are," I tell him, shoving his shoulder.

We are currently laying on a blanket in the middle of the park, out in the sun.

"I would just ask you to move in with me, but my apartment is too small for the both of us," he says. Then it all clicked in my head.

"Roger!" I giggle. "What?" He asks me, looking over the rim of his sunglasses. "You are embarrassed to move into my house because the girl should move into the guys house!" I say.

"What! No," he denies. "No one cares about that stuff, Roger," I roll my eyes. "Get over your man ego and just move in with me!" I fuss.

He doesn't reply so I roll over in my side to look at him. He has his arms folded under his head and he's starting up at the sky.

I lay my hand in his chest and press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Please, Rog," I beg. He can never deny me when I pull this act!

He tries to look away so I stick my face in his line of vision, my body leaning over his.

"Roger Meddows Taylor, I love you so much and I would love you even more if you would live with me," I pout out my lip.

He bites his lip, trying not to smile. He loves it when I say his full name. Unless I'm mad at him, because he knows I'm serious.

"Just think about it. You and I get to share a bed every night. I can make you breakfast when we wake up. We would get to see each other even on days that you spend most of your time at the studio," I add.

He sighs and finally says, "Okay, I'll move in with you." I smile and pepper kisses all over his face.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I say. He cracks a big smile and sits up. "Come here," he says, pulling my face to his.

I smile against his lips as he kisses me. He puts his hands on my waist, griping me tightly. "Is that Roger Taylor?" I hear a girl yell. I pull away and look past Roger's head.

A group of teenage girls are standing there, staring at us. Roger turns his head, arms still holding on to me. The girls shriek when they see him.

"Looks like you've got some fans," I whisper. He nods his head and releases me. We both stand up, brushing ourselves off.

"Hello, ladies," he greets them. He talks with them for a little while.

I sit back and admire how great he is to his fans. "Who's she?" One of them asks, pointing to me.

Roger turns around and looks at me. He scrunches up his eyebrows as if to ask me something. I nod my head and he tells them, "That's my girlfriend."

I blush as he turns around and winks at me. "You guys are adorable. Like couple goals!" A red head shouts. Roger chuckles and waves me over.

I hesitate but walk to them. Roger's arm instantly finds its way around me. The girls make faces and say, "You guys are so cute!"

"Thanks," I say quietly, blushing at the attention. "Kinda a weird question, but do you mind if I take a photo of you two?" One with blonde hair asks us.

"Yeah, go ahead," I give her my consent. She holds up a camera that was hanging around her neck and puts it to her eye.

Rog kisses my cheek as she presses the button down. "Thanks, it was lovely meeting you guys," she smiles. He wave goodbye and watch as they leave.

"You realize we are probably going to be in the press now, love?" he says once they leave.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I mean we couldn't keep our relationship a secret forever," I tell him. That was the first time we've told anyone outside of our friends and family about us dating.

Now the whole world is going to know. "I want to show you something, Els," he grabs my hand and pulls me away. We pack up our belongings and head to his car.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask him as we drive down several blocks. "It's a surprise," he says. He grabs my hand and holds it as he focuses on the road.

We park near the studio where the boys record. "Are we going to the studio?" I ask. "Nope, just follow me."

We walk down the sidewalk and stop in front of the little photography studio we used to take shots of the band.

"Why are we here?" I say, confused as we walk in. "You know how you can rent out the rooms in here?" He asks me. I nod my head.

"Well, I rented one for you," he explains, opening a door. "Roger! No way!" I exclaim.

"Yup, this whole side is yours along with the room up those steps," he points to a set of stairs in the corner. "And no one can get inside unless they have a key," he dangled his in the air then hands it to me.

I jump into his arms and kiss his cheek. "I love you, Roger!" He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and lifted me off the floor.

"Now you can get other clients than just us. You can finally jumpstart your career as a photographer," he tells me while setting me back down.

"This is the best thing I've ever gotten," I whisper in his ear. "Well my girl only deserves the best," he winks.

I roll my eyes at his cheesy line. "We should make fliers and hand them out as advertisements," I suggest.

"That's a wonderful idea. We can also put an ad in the paper," he says. We head to a local print shop and buy lots of papers.

We spent the rest of the day designing fliers. We plan on spending our day tomorrow handing them out.

Roger really is the best thing that has ever happened to me

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