Chapter twenty-four.

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I wake up to a pounding headache. Forgetting where I am, I look around until I realize I'm at Roger's place.

I roll over on the bed and feel empty sheets. Sitting up to get a better view of the apartment, I find Roger in the kitchen.

I don't remember much from last night, but I know he's probably mad at me.

I get out of the bed and walk over to him. Wrapping my arms around him from behind, I nuzzle my head in his back.

He turns around and frowns. "How you doin love?" He asks me. "I just have a headache," I tell him. "I told you not to drink last night," he says with disappointment.

"I know. I was just trying to help Mary her her mind off-" I stop my sentence not wanting to give out information Mary doesn't want spread. "Actually, I can't say what I was getting her mind off. It's her business."

"Ellie, drinking is not the answer," he says. "I'm sorry Roger," I cling on to him and give him a hug.

"It's okay love, just please don't do this to yourself again," he sighs. I nod my head and Roger leads us to the couch.

He sits down and pulls me on top of him. I nuzzle my head into his chest and close my eyes. Rubbing his hand up and down my back, Roger whispers, "I love you Ellie."

"I love you more," I tell him. "Oh Ellie, you know that's not possible," he counteracts. I look up press my lips to his. He kisses me back softly and pulls away. "You look really good in my cloths by the way," he whispers.

"When do you have to get to the studio?" I ask him. "Late session again today," he tells me.

"Good, that gives us time," I say unbuttoning his shirt. He smirks and pulls his shirt over my head.


"Can I come with you?" I blurt out as Roger puts on a shirt. "You should go home love. We'll be at the studio til the sun rises, I'm sure," he tells me.

"Please," I beg. "I'll call a taxi if I want to go home," I try and convince him.

"Fine," he agrees. "Thank you Rog! Love you!" I say giving him a kiss. He smiles instantly and looks down at me. "You never fail to make me smile, love." I blush and give him another peck.

"Let's swing by your place on the way so you can change," he says. I nod my head and pull on the shorts I had yesterday. I pull on Roger's shirt because I want to keep it, and put my heels on.


"Alright, lets go," I tell Roger as I get back in the car. We are outside my apartment currently because I had to get cloths.

I chose a short grey skirt and a yellow blouse that I tucked in. I paired it with short, black heels. Since it's supposed to rain today, I grabbed a grey trench coat that matches and threw that on as well.

"You look quite stunning," he compliments me, looking me over. I smile at him and he begins to drive.

He lays a hand on my bare thigh, and I quickly look out the window so he won't see me blushing.

"Look at me Ellie," Roger commands. "Why I ask him, abiding to his request.

"Because I want to see your beautiful face, that's all," he says. He glances in my direction and smiles. "You are the most perfect person I have ever laid my eyes on," he confesses.

"And you are the most flattering person I've ever met," I tell him. I hold on to his arm that's on top of me so I can feel closer to him.

"Come on Ellie, we're here," Roger stops the car, turning the key. We get out and walk hand in hand into the studio.

"Afternoon everyone. Ellie begged me to bring her along if that alright with you all," Roger says grabbing my coat to hang up.

"We don't mind. This is a perfect time for Ellie to get good shots of us in the studio. Did you bring your camera Ellie?" Brian asks.

I point to my camera bag that Roger hung up along with our coats.

Roger takes a seat at a table and I see that there aren't any seats left. "I had such a great time at the park taking pictures. We must do again sometime. We could do it at the fair!" I suggest walking to him.

I was going to sit down beside him on the couch when Roger pulled me down in his lap.

"Roger! What do you think you are doing?" I scowl. "There's no where else to sit," he says. "There's a seat right beside Brian!"

He furrows his brows and looks at me. "I do f want you to sit with him," he whispers so only I can hear.

I scan around the room and see that everyone is involved in their own conversations, not paying attention to us.

"Are you still jealous?" I ask him. He doesn't answer so I'm assuming that's a yes.

"Roger, you can't get mad at me for being friends with other guys. He's your best friend for goodness sake! And he's married," I fuss.

"I just, I just don't want to lose you Ellie," he looks down. "Roger," I lay a hand on his face. I stand up and pull him with me.

"I think I dropped some camera film in Roger's car. Well be right back," I tell everyone then walk away with Roger.

Once we get to the hall, I make sure the door is shut then pull Roger into my embrace.

"You aren't going to lose me Rog. Especially not to your best friend. Where did you ever get that idea?" I ask.

"It's just - he's so much better than me. He likes photography just like you. He doesn't fly off the hook like I do when I'm mad. He cares about everyone and is just so nice. I'm not any of that Ellie," he pours his heart out.

"I would never leave you for another man baby. And I love you just the way you are. I don't ever want you to change," I assure him. "You are the most perfect man I have ever met," I add.

He looks into my eyes for a few seconds then pulls me close to him. He nuzzles his head into my neck and inhales my scent. "I love you so much Ellie. I could never put into words how much you mean to me."

I push his face away only to bring his lips to mine. He grabs my But and turns us around, pushing me against the wall.

He puts an arm above my head and one resting on my back.

"Oh, sorry!" John says walking in on us. He quickly turns around and walks back into the studio.

"We have to stop doing this. I've embarrassed myself with you too many times to count," I giggle to Roger. "I could never keep my hands off you baby," he whispers.

I pull him by the tie he has around his neck and bring him back to the studio. I walk to the jacket rack and pull my camera bag off it.

"Roger! How many times do I need to tell you to keep your eyes on her face not her ass!" Freddie yells. I turn around with a surprised look on my face.

Roger is looking around the room trying to act like he wasn't doing it while John and Brian laugh. "Roger Taylor!" I fuss.

I roll my eyes and return to the task of getting my camera. I feel some one come up behind me and whisper, "That skirts a little too short isn't it?" I toll my eyes again and turn around to be greeted by Roger.

I giggle at his face and hold up my Polaroid. I snap a quick photo of his annoyed face and wait for it to print.

I give him a kiss on the check and he immediately smiles. "You should smile for often," I tell him.

"Alright Ladies! Let's get recording," Brian says claping his hands together. The boys retreat to the sound room and I take a seat on the couch.

After an hour or two, my eyes begin to droop. This is going to be a long night.

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