Chapter eight.

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"Did you enjoy yourself at the studio today?" Roger asks me as he drives me home. "Besides that incident at dinner, yes I had quite a fun time. I really love watching you guys create music. It's truly fascinating," I tell him.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Els, I was just angry at that man," he apologizes. "You shouldn't apologize Roger. Her deserved it anyways," I assure him.

"You are very kind Ellie," Roger says smiling at me. "Thank you Rog. I guess you're kinda nice too," I joke.

"Well I might as well take that back," Roger says. I giggle at him and say, "You Know Roger, you must have quite the temper." He looked over at me and said, "And why do you say that Miss Ellie?"

"Well Freddie told me about how you almost killed him with your drum set after a show," I answer him. He scoffs and remarks, "He will never stop talking about that I swear. I mean it wasn't even close to him!"

I laughed more seeing that he was already getting frustrated at something so small. "What are you laughing at now?" Roger asks.

"I just find it funny that you were confused when I said you have a temper yet here you are getting mad about Fred overreacting like usual," I tell him laughing more.

He laughs along with me and says, "I suppose that is quite funny isn't it." After our laughter dies down Roger tells me, "I'm surprised myself that I'm not furious with you right now."

"And why's that?" I ask raising a brow. "Well if you were Deaky, Brian, Freddie, or anyone else I would be very agitated at you for making fun of my temper. I don't think you could ever make me mad Els," he replies.

"Well I'm honored," I say dramatically.

We reach my destination after a few more minutes of talking. I'm about to open the door when Roger puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Ellie," He says. "Yes Rog?" I ask. "Uh would you like to go out for dinner sometime, or go get a drink?" He asks me.

I blush slightly and say, "I would be delighted to."

"May I have your telephone number?" Roger asks. "Yeah sure," I say and reach inside my purse for a notepad. I quickly write!it down and hand it to him.

"Thank you Ellie. I'll give you a call some time," He says taking it. "Okay," I say.

"How about I pick you up tommorow morning and take you to the studio?" He says. "That would be great," I tell him smiling.

"Ok then bye now Ellie. Have a good night," he tells me. "Goodnight Rog," I respond.

I climb out of the car and head inside my apartment.

I plop down on the couch and think about my day. I wonder If Roger wants to go on a date or just as friends. I hope not the latter.

I ought to call Mary and tell her about everything that has happened. She will be furious to here about the diner.

I walk to my phone and dial her number. After a few rings I hear a man say, "Hello."

"Hey Fred. Is Mary available?" I asks him. "Just a second dear," he tells me.

"Hello," I hear Mary. "Hello Mary. How was work today?" I ask. "Oh just the usual, nothing more. Freddie was just telling me about how difficult Roger was being today." She tells me.

"Oh yes. He locked himself in a cupboard because Fred wouldn't put his song on the       B-side!" I exclaim.

"Oh dear," I hear he laugh. "Did Fred tell you about the diner?" I ask. "No, what happened."

"Some idiot waiter was flirting with me and he grabbed my ass. Roger went off on him and I thought he was going to hurt the guy so I pulled him away. While we were walking out the idiot made a crude comment and Roger ran up to him and punched him in the face!" I say telling her about the event.

"Oh my. Are you alright Ellie?" She asks showing her concern.

"Yes, I'm alright," I sat wanting to continue my story. "You should really be asking about the guys Rog punched," I add.

"Did he hurt the fellow?" She asks. "Well I think he broke his nose! He was bleeding bad." I answer her.

"You know, it's kinda cute how he defended you. Freddie wouldn't punch some one for me." Mary says.

"Oh really? Anyways guess what!" I say excitedly. "What!" Mary mocks my enthusiasm.

"Roger asked me to go to dinner with him!" I tell her. "Oh my goodness that's wonderful. Maybe you two will actually start dating!" She says. "Oh I don't know about that Mary." I say.

"Don't me modest. All the boys know that he likes you. I mean he is always talking about you dear." She explains. "Really?" I ask.

"Oh so now you want to know?" She asks giggling. I roll my eyes and I hear Mary yell, "Freddie! Come here."

"Yes dear?" I hear him ask. "Tell Ellie about how much Roger talks about her," she says.

"Hello Ellie," He says through the phone. "Hey Fred," I say waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Darling I must say you are Roger's favorite topic to chat about," He tells me. "Yeah Yeah whatever," I say acting annoyed. To be honest it actually gives me butterflies to think that he talks about me all the time.

"Freddie! Roger asked her on a date!" I can hear Marg in the background. "What! Ellie dear, why didn't you tell me? When are you going?" Freddie rushes out.

I roll my eyes and say, "He didn't say a date. All he said was dinner or a drink sometime." I hear him scoff and then he says, "Trust me dear, it's a date. If it wasn't he would have asked us all to go."

I smile at this and tell Freddie, "Well then I guess me and Rog are going on a date."

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