Chapter five

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I hear my alarm go off and I stop the buzzing on it. I jump out of bed and hop in the shower. I'm going to the studio today. I'm so excited! I can't wait to see the boys again.

After my shower I throw on some flared jeans and a black button up blouse with pink flowers on it. I tucked it into my jeans and grabbed my white purse and tucked a pair of sunglasses inside. I put on my black shoes then walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

After I ate my breakfast I heard a car honk outside. Mary is picking me up today so that's probably her. Before I leave I grab my camera bag. I won't be needing it but I think it will be cool to photograph the band while they record.

I walked outside and stepped into the car. "Hey Mary," I greet her. "Good morning Ellie," She said with a smile. After a few minutes of silence, Mary speaks up, "So, what do you think of Roger?"

"Why are you asking?" I say. "I just want to know if you are interested in him," she said smirking. "It wouldn't matter because he won't ever be interested in me," I tell her.

"Yeah right. He acts completely different around you," she said looking over at me. I can't tell if she is telling the truth or not since I just met him.

We finally reach the studio and we hop out the car and walk in. "Good morning everyone," I greet the boys.

"Good morning Ellie. You are looking lovely today," John says and Roger looks over to him. "Thank you John," I say smiling. "How's your morning been?" Brian asks me. "It's been well," I tell him.

"I've written a new song that I'd like to record with you guys today," John says smiling. "Oh really? What's it about?" Roger asks him. "It's about my lovely wife," he says smiling proudly.

If that's not couple goals, then I don't know what is. "That's wonderful John. I can't wait to hear it," I tell him. "Well then, how bout we get in there and record it?" Freddie says. All the boys agree and step inside the recording studio.

Roger pinches John and says something to him. "I was only being nice. Calm your horses!" He says to Roger.

Once they are inside Mary turns to me and says, "Well I think Roger might be a bit jealous dear." I shook my head and reply, "Oh Mary, get your head out of the clouds. He doesn't like me. Besides, He was probably talking about something else."

"That's not what he told Brian," Mary says. "What are you talking about?" I ask her. "Oh nothing, dear," she told me smiling.

Was Roger talking about me? I'll have to ask Brian about this.

After a few minutes, John, Roger, and Brian come into the control booth. "Hello boys, where's Fred?" I ask them. "He's staying behind to do his vocals," Brian tells me.

I take a seat on the couch while the band sits behind the panel. Roger stands up and comes to sit with me. "Hello Ellie. How you feeling today?" He asks me. "Wonderful. How about you Roger?" He smiles and says, "I'm well. Weird question, but mind if I call you Ells?"

I giggle at his nickname for me and say, "Only if I can call you Rog." He nods his head and sticks his hand out to shake. "Deal," Roger says while I shake his hand.

Me and Roger talk for a while until Freddie comes out of the studio. "How'd that sound John?" He asks him. "Exactly how I wanted it to," he tells him. I can't get over how cite John is for writing this song. His wife will be thrilled to hear it I'm sure.

I look over to Mary and say, "Oh Mary, don't you wish someone would write is love songs like that?" She shakes her head and looks at Freddie. "If only," she says laughing. "Just you wait my dear," he says taking her hand and giving it a kiss.

I look at them with adoration. How badly I wish I had someone to love like that. "Roger could write you a love song," Brian says chuckling in my direction. Everyone laughs at this including me.

"Since you say that Brian, I'd like to show you a song I've recorded and written. I would like for you guys to add a bass piano and guitar part but I've already recorded a drum part and vocals," Roger says to the band. "You are going to sing it?" John asks. "I thought I could try. Turned out pretty good too," Roger says.

"We then, let's give it a listen," Brian says. Roger picks up a tape and puts it in the panel. He hits play and it starts off with a bunch of cymbals. His voice comes in and it's kinda hot.

I listen to the lyrics and I realize that he's written it about a car! A song about how he loves his car! After it was over Roger stood proudly with his arms crossed on his chest. "What'd you think," he asks to everyone.

"You're joking right?" Brian says. "No, I'm completely serious. It's about me and my car," he tells Brian. "You want to put that on the album? What's the name?" John says to Roger.

"It's called I'm in Love With my Car. And of course I want it on the album. In fact I was going to ask Fred if I could put it on the B side with Bohemian Rhapsody." Roger explains.

Freddie laughs loudly and says, "Darling there is no way in this whole world that that song will ever be put on the B side of my Bohemian Rhapsody." I look at Roger to see his reaction. He does not look to happy. "Well I don't care what you think. It's going on the B side," Roger tells him.

"Roger, are you insane! I'm not putting that out as a single," Freddie tells him. Me and the rest of the band look back and forth between the two watching this play out. Roger, now very visible angry, yells, "This isn't your band Freddie! It isn't up to you!" Freddie shakes his head and says back to him, "Well no one is going to buy the album if that is being released before it!"

Roger walks over to a cupboard in the room and steps inside. "What are you doing Roger?" Brian asks him. "I am not coming out until Freddie agrees to put my song on the B side," he tells us. He shuts the door and I hear a lock click. "Oh dear," Freddie says.

By the way guys, Your My Best Friend was released as a single in May, so it should have already been released.  I just changing the dates a little because I really wanted to include it in the story.

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