Chapter six.

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"You idiot! Get out of there," Freddie yelled. After a few seconds with no reply he yells, "So you are going to ignore me now Roger?" Once again, no reply. "Come on Roger just come out," John said. "Come our and we can work it out," Brian tried to reason. Roger replies to neither.

"Alright Ellie, your turn," John said. "If he won't listen to you he won't listen to me," I tell him. "Just try Ellie. You might be surprised," Brian says to me.

"Okay fine," I say walking to the cupboard. "Roger, why don't you come out and talk to us," I say lightly. I wait a few seconds to no reply. I look at Brian but before I could say any thing I hear, "Tell Freddie I said that I will come out the second he says that my song comes out on the B side of A Night at the Opera." I turn around and sarcastically say, "Did you get all that."

"Alright fine! You're little song can go on! But Roger I swear to all things good and evil if you pull a stunt like this again..." Freddie says.

As soon as he finished Roger pops out with a goofy smile. "I knew you'd come around Fred," he says. "Oh Darling you are treading on a thin line," Freddie says frustrated.

"How bout we finish John's song now?" Roger suggests acting like he didn't just throw a tantrum. He walks right into the studio and sits behind his drums then starts to practice.

"Is he always like this?" I ask to no one in particular. "Oh dear you don't know the half of it. One night Roger was in a foul mood and threw his entire bloody drum set across the stage. The thing just missed me, I could have been killed," Freddie says putting his hand on his heart being his dramatic self. I laughed at this seeing that Roger had an angry side

"Brian, why don't you go and do your guitar with Roger?" John suggest. Brian nods and walks in and plugs up his Red Special.

An idea popped into my head and I raced to my purse and quickly pulled out my camera. "What are you doing Ellie?" John asks me. "Do you think they would mind if I took a few pictures?" I asked nervous that he would say no.

"Go ahead dear, they won't mind at all," he said with a gentle smile. "Thank you John," I say heading into the studio.

"I'm just going to take pictures just continue playing," I tell Brian and Roger. They nod and play their song from where they left off.

I lift up my camera and take a few shots of Brian. I turn around to Roger and take a picture of him. He looks really cute when he's focused on his drums. He notices I'm starring and throws a wink at me. I blush and quickly turn back to Brian.

After taking a few more pictures I leave the studio and come outside.

"Ellie, we should put you in there with Roger more often," John says to me. "And why is that John?" I ask him. "He always tries harder when you are around," he tells me. "I mean he never puts that much effort until it's the final recording for what goes on the album," Freddie adds in.

"Are you guys talking about me?" I hear a raspy voice. "No," John quickly says. Yeah like he's going to believe that. "Yeah whatever," Roger said.

After practicing for a few more hours, the band decided to go on lunch break. We decided to just walk to a restaurant down the street.

While we were walking down Brian says to me, "I noticed that you have a really nice camera in there. I have quite a nick for photography." I shake my head and say, "Yes my mom gave me it for Christmas last year. I would love to see some of your pictures Brian. I didn't know you were in to photography."

"I've loved it since I was a kid. I absolutely love stereo cameras too. I often take one with the band when we travel. Freddie's to mess around on it sometimes and use Roger as his model." Brian said with a laugh at the last part. "That's wonderful Brian," I tell him.

Once we arrived the place was packed. They only had tables of three open so we split off into two groups. Roger, Brian, and I are going to sit together and John and Freddie will sit together.  Mary left before we got here because she has work.

We sit down at the round table and while I'm not looking Roger scoots his chair a little closer to mine. Brian was trying not to giggle and Roger snapped, "What's so funny Bri!" Me and Brian both started laughing at him.

"Did you really think she wasn't going to notice you scooting your chair?" Brian asks. "I mean really! You scooted it like two feet while she wasn't looking!" He says still laughing. "I don't know what you're talking about," Roger defended himself putting his arms on his chest.

Brian was still laughing at him so Roger stood up and said, "I'm going to the Lou."

"He gets mad easily doesn't he?" I ask Brian. "He just goes off sometimes. We will here a bang and be like 'oh Rogers thrown another tv out the window" Brian tells me. I shake my head laughing.

"So Mary mentioned something about Roger talking about me to you. What did he say?" I ask him.

"Well I shouldn't be telling you this but he told me to stop embarrassing him in front of you. He said he doesn't want you to think he's a lunatic," Brian said laughing. "He also said that he tries to impress you when you are watching him play the drums and singing. And let me tell you something Ellie, Roger Taylor never gave two shits about what people said about him until you came along. Now all he does is try to impress you."

"Oh come on you are exaggerating. He isn't always trying to impress me." I say. Brian says, "just pay closer attention to what he does when you are around and you will see what I mean."

At this time Roger decided to make his entrance again. Once we sat down a waiter came to our table.

"And what can I get for the pretty lady?" He asked me smirking at me. "Um I'll take a number 6 and a coke please," I say quietly.

After we all place our orders the weird waiter left us be. He comes back soon with all of our food. When he sits down mine he gives me a wink and I quickly look away like I didn't see it.

We all eat and soon the waiter comes with a bill. "So is all of this together?" He asks us. "No it's all separate," I tell him. "Actually our Hera on mine," Roger says. "Can you pay for mine?" Brian jokes. "No you pay on your own. I'm not a charity," Roger says. "Okay then," the waiter says then leaves.

"Rog you don't have to pay," I tell him. "It's fine Ells. Don't worry about it," he replies. Once we pay the bill we get up from our seats to head outside when someone grabs my but. I gasp and turn around to see the same waiter.

"Roger! He just grabbed my butt," I tell Roger quietly. "What!" Roger says then turns around to the idiot.

"Keep your hands the hell away from her!" He yells at him. "Back off dude I was just trying to have some fun," he defends himself. "Why don't you go have fun somewhere else!" Roger yells again.

"Just leave it Roger," I tell him wrapping my hand around his arm. "Okay fine. Let's just get out of here before I punch him." He tells me.
We are about to walk away when I hear,  "My shift is about over baby, why don't you come home with me so I can show you a good time?"

"That's it," Rog says under his breath. He turns around and jacks the guy in the jaw. I gasp and say, "Roger!"

"Let's go," He says and walks away while taking my arm and pulling me with him. I look back over my shoulder to see the guy clutch his bloody nose. I also notice that everyone in the restaurant is starring at us. I turn bright red in embarrassment.

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