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The next morning after I take my test and receive my score then I text Matt that I'm on my way to the offices. He answers with an okay and I start up my car and drive.

About halfway to the offices, I get a call from Bobby.

"Yo Bobby, what's up?"

"(Y/N)! How'd your test go?"

"You'll never guess what I got"

"Was it possibly a one hundred?"

"I got a ninety-nine but close enough!"

"Sick! I'll see you when you get here?"

"Yep, I'll be there in fifteen!"


"Bye Bobby!"

I hang up and smile the rest of the ride. When I get there, I go into orange base and see that there's no one around. I go to my office to set down my stuff and see Paul's stuff but no Paul. I call Matt and he doesn't answered so I call Joey and he texts me to come to the Edge warehouse if I need something. I walk across the lot to the Edge space and to the warehouse where I only see Joey and Matt.


"Where is ever-"

"CONGRATS!" Everyone yells as they jump out form various spots around the room.

"You guys!" I say covering my mouth to cover the fact that I'm smiling from ear-to-ear. Matt and Joey both run over to me and tackle me to the ground and we all start to laugh.

They get off me and then congratulate me on my score.

"Well, here's your chance to meet everyone so go ahead and we'll leave you to it" Matt tells me before they walk away.

Paul, Tanner and Connor come over to me after my brothers leave and we all talk for a bit before I wander over to the Team Edge group and I catch up with Bryan, Bobby and Kevin then I go around and meet everyone that I didn't yesterday. After hanging out and meeting everyone for about three hours, I'm back in a conversation with Connor and Tanner when I feel my phone vibrate.

"I'm getting a call so let me just excuse myself" I tell them awkwardly before going outside.

I take my phone out of my pocket and see that it's Jax.

"Hey Jax!"

"You're a bitch!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You made plans to go out with another guy?"

"So who I'm friends with is a problem now?" I ask him, slightly yelling.

"Actually yes! I'm your boyfriend, what if I had plans for tonight?" he snaps, yelling through the phone.

"Well we normally plan a week or so in advance so I would've said that's too bad!" I snap back, still slightly yelling.

"I'm sick of you!"

"Then don't deal with we anymore! We're done!" I yell at him through the phone before hanging up.

I take off the charm bracelet I first received from him as a month anniversary gift and I throw it as hard a I can. I go back to orange base and to my office since I just want to be alone for a little bit. After twenty minutes of me sitting there I hear Paul and Tanner come in so I grab my phone and make it look like I'm doing something, mainly to try and hide that I've been crying. The door opens and I see Paul poke his head in.

"Tanner said you left a while ago, you good?"

I shake my head and Paul thanks Tanner for helping him search around for me and then Tanner goes back downstairs to the warehouse. Paul sits down in his seat and wheels over to me so we can talk.

"So what's happening? You look like you've been crying."

"I have been. I just got into an argument with my boyfriend and we broke up, he's such a bitch, sorry for my language."

"Why did you guys get into an argument?"

"Because he's a jerk and only cares about himself. He used to be nice but then his dad died and he changed. He'd become bossy and controlling. I'm over him so I dumped him."

"So then why are you crying?"

"I don't know Paul, I feel so many emotions right now. Sad, angry, happy."


"That I get to hang out with my office buddy at four."

"Well why don't we go enjoy the rest of this party and we hang out at my place tonight after coffee?"

"Sounds like a plan to me, should I ask Matt if I can leave my truck here?"

"Yeah, no point in wasting gas."

Paul and I go back downstairs and enjoy the party until four. At four we leave together and climb into his car. When we pull out I feel happy and I realize that Paul is the reason for that.

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