--thirty four--

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Paul's POV: 

As (Y/N) and Woods leave, I run after them and try to explain ourselves. 

"Guys wait!" 

"Paul can we not right now?" Woods asked stopping. 

"Sorry, I'll go" I say turning around. 

"Woods!" I hear her slap him. "Paul, wait!"

I stop and turn back around, looking to (Y/N).

"Why did you guys spy?"

"We were curious and Matt wouldn't tell us and it was wrong, I'm sorry."

"We didn't tell anyone because we didn't want to Paul. It would have come out when we were ready."

"I'm sorry, I'll let you two go."

"Thank you for the honesty, bye." (Y/N) said sounding disappointed. 

Woods and her walked away and I walked back to the guys. 


"It's best to leave them alone for now but I explained it."

"Okay well let's go get some work done to take our minds off of this."

Wood's POV:

"Hey you okay?" (Y/N) asked me while we were walking to blue base. 

"They think they're all high and mighty around here because they're some of Matt's favorites. It drives me nuts."

"Hey," she grabbed my shoulder. "Forget them, we've got this singing thing with Mike now, ya know the surprise you called me about and the videos we're making later."

"Yeah, you're right"

"Aren't I always right though?"

"That english didn't sound too right and I'm still telling Matt what you did!" I say running into blue base, leaving her standing in the parking lot. 

I run upstairs and burst into Matt's office after making sure his door said come in. 


"Yes Woodland?"

"Did you see what (Y/N) did to my bag?"

"I didn't do anything!" she yells, running in behind me. 

"What happened?"

I show him the picture and he scrunches his face up. 

"What is that?"

"Ketchup, mayo, mustard and expired milk" 

"You dumped that in his bag?"

"Yeah, it's in his office!" 

Matt rushes out and goes downstairs, (Y/N) and I following closely behind him. He goes into my office and picks up the bag. 

"Wait!" I yell out, grabbing the bag from him. "This isn't even mine!" 

"That's the point of the prank!" I told him pointing to the camera on the desk. 

"You jerk! I was so scared that my bag was ruined!"

"I'm mean but I'm not that mean! Who do you think I am, CJ?"

"I heard that!" CJ yelled from the other room. 

"I know!" (Y/N) yelled back at him, laughing. 

(Y/N) fell off the swing and I laughed at her. 

"You deserved that!"


"Cut! This is great footage, I can't wait to see the final product!" Sam told us as she handed the camera over to (Y/N).

"Thanks again for the help Sam!" 

"Later you two!"


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