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two weeks later

Paul's POV: 

I don't even know why I questioned (Y/N) about something that changed her life in such a negative way. Everyday she seems miserable and the only time I've seen her smile is in REKT videos and even then it's painful to watch because I know she's faking it. She won't even talk to me and I don't blame her. I've tried apologizing but it's no use. She's been in Matt's office a lot so that she doesn't have to deal with me which is making me sad. After work I catch Matt before he leaves and ask him what to do.

"Paul, she's not mad at you. She was but she isn't anymore."

"Then why is she still avoiding me?"

"Try something small. She doesn't like big gestures. Show up at her place with a pizza and watch some movies with her."

"Okay, thanks Matt."

I go home and change into some sweatpants and a GG shirt then I call and order a pizza. I pick it up and go to (Y/N)'s. 

"Well here goes nothing" I tell myself.

I go and knock on the door and she answers.


"Hey (N/N)! Thought we could hang out tonight."

"Sorry my bed and I already made plans" she says shutting the door on me. 

(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N) wait!" Paul yells catching the door with his shoe and coming inside. 

I stop walking and turn to face him. 

"Paul what?" 

He sets down the pizza, walks over to me and just hugs me. At first I'm confused but then hug back, realizing how much I've missed him. 

"Paul I'm sorry, I've been such a jerk these past two weeks."

"It's mainly my fault, so I'm sorry. Maybe this will make up for it?" he asks planting a kiss on my lips. 

"Oh definitely" I say pulling him back in for another kiss.

"Now how about that pizza?"

"What kind is it?"

"Cheese, I didn't want to get too fancy"

"I love cheese pizza"

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