-thirty one-

756 12 2

-two weeks later, Wednesday- 

No one's POV: 

Jen and Paul had started dating after going out again and (Y/N) and Woods started hanging out more. Woods was going to (Y/N)'s when he got a call from Matt telling him to meet at his house. Woods turned around and started driving back home, texting (Y/N) that he would be later than he had told her. 

Joey's POV:

I was waiting for Matt to tell me he had talked to Woods to confirm that he wasn't at (Y/N)'s place so I could check on her. After Paul and her cut things off, she started to get sadder and she wouldn't answer Matt and I. Tanner told Matt that Woods was hanging with her so I just want to make sure my sister was okay. 

My phone vibrated and I looked to see it was Matt telling me that Woods was on the way back to his house. I put my car in drive and drove to my sister's. When I got there Sam's car was in the driveway so I knocked waiting to see if (Y/N) would open the door. When she finally did, she was in a wig with a fake mustache on and Sam was wearing a pink guy's wig and overalls and she was holding (Y/N)'s camera, filming. 

"Oh it's just Joey" Sam says putting the camera down. 

"Way to welcome me. Can I come in?"

"Woods is on his way, can I come outside and we can talk?"

"Yeah, it's fast."

"I'll be right back Sam!" 

She comes outside and we walked back over by my car. I don't quite know what to say so she gets words out before I do. 

"If this is about me and Paul, I promise you I'm okay. Woods has helped me out a lot these past few weeks and after Jax, I wasn't quite ready for something but when it started going better I thought it would work but I guess I was wrong."

"Just don't rush yourself if you aren't ready."

"I promise I won't Joey."

I hear a car pulling up and when the person climbs out, it's Woods. I wave to him then climb into my car and my sister runs over to give him a hug. She waves bye then runs inside leaving Woods outside. Woods puts on a fake mustache then walks over to the door. 

"Crazy kids" I mumble as I drive away. 

Sam's POV:


I jump off the couch, adjust (Y/N)'s wig then grab her camera to film. I hear a knock on the door and (Y/N) opens it so we can start our bit. 

"Ah yes, welcome sir! Your dinner awaits!"

"Ah thank you ma'am, I love the green hair by the way!" 

"Why thank you kind sir! Can I take your coat?"

"Oh yes, here you go" Woods says taking off his coat and handing it over. 

He walks into the kitchen and (Y/N) throws the coat across the living room. 

"So what's for dinner?"

(Y/N) walks over to the counter and grabs fruit-roll ups and throws them at Woods, hitting him in the head. 

"Oh I'm sorry sir, let me pick those up."

She picks them up and sets them in front of Woods.

"Can you please open them?"

"Sorry we can't touch our customer's food. Let me know if you need anything else."

(Y/N) walks over to the camera and leans in. 

"This customer is very needy and I wish he would leave."



"Can I have my check?"

"Sure" she responds throwing a paper pad at him. 


"Sam thanks for helping with the bit, see you tomorrow!"


Wood's POV: 

Sam just left and (Y/N) and I were gonna watch a movie. I planned on asking her out tonight and maybe she'll even go to my mom's birthday party. I hope she says yes because she's been really happy lately. Maybe it's been me or maybe she's been happy in general but I guess I'll find out soon. We're about to get settled when I start looking around for my phone quick. 

"Have you seen my phone?"

"No, let me call it"

I don't hear it ring and I start looking all over. 

"Is it at your house? You went back right?"

"Maybe I did, can we go look there then we'll watch the movie and you can just spend the night at my house?"

"Yeah, I'll pack my bag and we can head there."


"I'm sorry we had to move to my place (Y/N)"

"It's cool Woods, I'm sick of my house anyways."

I pause the movie since neither of us are actually watching and (Y/N) looks over at me from where she is on the floor. 

"Everything good Woody?"

I move off the couch and onto the floor next to her. 

"(Y/N) I have a question for you and it's okay of you say no but will you be my girlfriend?"

(Y/N)'s POV: 

"Woods, I'd love too! These past two weeks have been so amazing with you and I want to thank you for it."

"It was nothing, so do you wanna get some sleep for now? It's almost eleven."


He stands and looks at me. 

"I have a bed we can share if you don't want to sleep on the floor"

I think for a minute then get up and follow him. We cuddle up and I fall asleep, Woods's arm wrapped around my waist. The next morning when I wake up, it's from a crash in the kitchen. I walk out and see Woods cooking food. 

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to cook you breakfast! I'm not doing too good."

I walked over and see a pan of burnt eggs. 

"Why don't we just stop for breakfast on the way to work?"

"Fine, go get ready!" 

We're driving to work when Woods steps on his breaks to avoid hitting something in the road. I was taking a sip of coffee so it spills all over my white shirt. 

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" 

"Woods, it's fine. It's just coffee."

"But now you have to wear that all day, I have extra shirts at the office for when we do multiple shoots. I'll give you one of those!"

"Woods really it's fine."

"No it's not!"

"Here go put this on!" Woods yells at me as he throws the shirt to me. 

"Whatever!" I yell back walking towards the bathroom. 

When I'm done I go upstairs to see if Matt has any bags I can put my shirt in. I walk into his office and he's in there with Paul, Tanner and Connor. 

"Uh hey guys. Matt do you happen to have a bag?"

"Is that Woods's shirt?"

"Long story, do you have a bag?"

"Yeah, they're in the closet."

As I grab one, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I grab the bag quickly and rush out. I put the shirt in the bag, drop it in Wood's car and go to orange base to get some work done.

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