-fifty one-

471 9 4

Woods's POV:

The next morning when I got to the studios, (Y/N)'s truck was there in the same spot as last night. I went to orange base since I know she streamed and went upstairs right away. When I got to the top of the steps, her and Mason where both sleeping on the couch. I shook her awake then we went to the warehouse to talk.

"What's up?" she asked giving me a questioning look through a yawn.

"I think we should break up"

"Why? I thought everything was going good..."

"Well I don't, I ask that you take your stuff from my house and find somewhere else to stay."

"Uh okay, I'll do that."

"Thank you."

I left her standing there and went to blue base to the common office. I needed some time away from (Y/N) before the REKT shoots today so I just went away from her.

Pat's POV:

When I got to work, Woods was leaving orange base and he looked relieved. I shrugged it off and went inside to see the warehouse door open. When I went in, (Y/N) was standing there looking a bit shocked.

"You good?"

"Fantastic" she responded emotionless.

She walked out and went outside.

What the heck just happened?

I went into our office and logged onto my computer. I saw (Y/N) come back inside with four coffees and a bag. She came into the office and set everything down then grabbed a coffee and a sandwich from the bag and went upstairs. When she came back down a minute later, she was empty handed. When she entered the office, I also noticed she had changed her clothes.

"I got you a coffee" she mumbled handing me a cup.

"Well thank you"

I took a sip and the coffee burned my mouth. When Gunner came in, she handed him a cup then she grabbed her laptop and went upstairs.

"Is she good?" Gunner asked me.

"I have no idea, I think something happened between her and Woods."

"Oh, well the shoot should be fun then"


Cameron's POV(new pov? wow!):

I had been at work for about twenty minutes when (Y/N) came upstairs. She looked into the GG set and said something to someone then she came into my office.

"Mind if I work in here?" she asked pushing the door open.

"What about your office?"

"I need to just take a break from everyone and you're the only person who I can deal with so please can I work from in here?"

"Yea, you can sit on the couch."

"Thank you"

(Y/N)'s POV:

I sat on the couch and opened my laptop. I signed on and started to check the stats for all the channels at Hi5 so I could meet with everyone and work to get the channels where we need them then I checked my emails and finally started editing my vlogs.


"(Y/N) time for the shoots" Paul said coming into Cam's office.

"Okay, coming."

I thanked Cameron then grabbed Mason from the GG set and we went downstairs to the warehouse.

"Here's your mic (N/N)" Pat said as he handed me the mic.

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