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We play manhunt and mess around in the bases until we check the time, to see it's four in the morning. 

"Guys, we need to be up in four hours. Should we catch some sleep?" I ask everyone as we start to head out of orange base. 

"Yea! Let's go back to red base and sleep in the movie room!" Connor yells in a girly voice. 

"I'll be right there! I need to go grab my charger from my office!" Paul yells to us as we walk out. 

"Grab my hoodie?" I ask before leaving. 

"You get it!" he says looking at me. 

Tanner is waiting for me to walk out and I look at him and then run after Paul. 

"Why couldn't you get it?" I ask him as we walk to the office. 

"Because I wanted you to come with me so I could do this!"

He grabs my shoulder and kisses me. It's a quick little kiss but it makes me smile and we enter the office and go for the stuff we wanted. Paul throws his hoodie at me while I'm looking for mine. 

"Here, I know yours wasn't here. You left it in Matt's office yesterday, I saw it when I went in there to ask him if he wanted to grab lunch with us."

"And you didn't even tell me. You made me walk all the way in here just to have my hoodie not in here!" 

"But you got a kiss out of it!" 

"Well, I really only wanted the hoodie" I say with a smirk on my face. 

"Wow, see if I give you another kiss!" he says pretending to be hurt. 

"Fine don't! Save it for Tanner" I say as I put on his hoodie. 

As I'm about to walk out of the office, Paul grabs my shoulder and kisses me again. 

"Happy birthday!" he whispers in my ear. 

I roll my eyes at him and we walk out of orange base, locking the door behind us. As we're walking across the parking lot he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. We enter red base and when we go upstairs the boys look at us and smile. 

"They arrive!" 

"So what were you two doing?" 

"Yea, you have Paul's hoodie on!"

"Yea cause mine is in Matt's office!"

"And we didn't do anything."

"Sure you didn't!" Tanner says smirking. 

"You're nasty Tanner!" I say collapsing in a chair. 

Paul lays on the couch with Tanner and we all fall asleep. Later that morning I'm awoken by the smell of Tanner's feet in my face. 

"Wake up, time for work!"

I smile and push Tanner's feet away. 

"Tanner what died on your feet?" I ask with my eyes still closed. 

"Why does everyone say my feet smell?"

"Last night you put you're shoes back on when we we're playing manhunt because you said your feet smelled too bad while you were hiding!"

"You're not wrong!"

"I know, I was there!" I say finally opening my eyes. 

"Hey she's awake!" 

I look over and see Matt, Joey, Pat, Gunner, Corey, Bryan and some others from the Team Edge crew all standing there. I turn and see that Connor, Paul and Woods are all still sleeping. 

"Why did you wake me up first?" 

"Cause it's your birthday!" Tanner says to me, laying across the top of me. 

"Happy birthday!" everyone yells. 

Connor falls on the floor and wakes up from the yelling. 


I grab my bag and go to the bathroom, leaving everyone standing there so I can change into my clothes for the day. I put my pajamas into the bag and then go out to my truck and see that Matt's gift was sitting there. 

I forgot about you. Maybe I should open it. 

I climb into the truck and grab the small box, rubbing my hands over the paper. I unpeel the tape and pull the box from the paper. It's a small box that looks like it from a jewelry store and when I open it, I see it's a bracelet. It's got a metal piece attached to a chain and on the metal there's words engraved. 

Hi5 Family♡ 

I flip over the metal and see my name written on it. I put the bracelet on and smile. I pick up the card and read it. 


No matter what happens, you'll always be our ray of happiness here. We want you to have this bracelet so you'll always remember this time in your life. 

-Love, your Hi5 family

I rub my finger over the smooth metal piece and then go into orange base and to my office. I'm putting Paul's hoodie back on when he comes walking in, carrying two cups of coffee. 

"I brought you a present!" he says handing me the cup. 

"This is the best present I've ever gotten!" I say taking the cup and setting it down. 

"Oh yeah?" he asks still standing with his hand out. 

"Oh yeah" I say pulling him down and giving him a kiss. 

I turn back to the computer and get to work when my phone rings. I answer and put it on speaker. 

"Yes giant?"

"Yes, good morning my wonderful sister!"

"Joey what?"

"Everyone is coming to the Team Edge warehouse in about three hours for some meeting Matt wants to have."

I look at Paul and he shrugs, "so are you calling to tell me to come?"

No answer. 


"What? Oh uh yes!" 

"Okay, see you at two I guess." 

I hang up and get back to work. I'm halfway through a thumbnail when Paul tells me it's close to two. I grab my camera and start filming. 

"Uh okay, hey guys so right now we're on our way to the Team Edge warehouse for some meeting, right Paul?" 


As we're leaving, orange base is empty. 

"Paul where is everyone?"

"Probably already there. You know how Matt is when people are late."

"Well he can suck it up that we're a few minutes late."

Paul's phone vibrates and he looks at the text he got then types back quick and stuffs his phone back into his pocket. 

"Who was that?"

"Tanner. Matt is apparently holding this meeting until we get there."

"We're never gonna live this down." 

"That's Matt though!"

We walk into the Edge warehouse and it's dark. 

"Not again." 

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