-thirty five-

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-Day of party for Woods's mom, one month later, Thursday-

Woods's POV:

"Woods, what is taking so long? You're putting a suit on!"

"Yeah but I wanna look nice!" 

"You sound like a girl, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!"

I put my tie on and walk out to see (Y/N) drinking a glass of chocolate milk. 

"I didn't know this thing was so formal" she says motioning to the dress she's wearing which looked adorable.

"Well this is a big deal so of course it's a big deal. By the way you look amazing" I told her.

She rolled her eyes and we walked outside to my car. I was driving to the place. I was so excited for (Y/N) to meet my whole family, I just know they're going to love her!

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was so nervous to meet Wood's whole family. What if they don't like me? I started playing with some of the designs on my dress until we got there.

Woods's POV: 

When we pulled up I put my car in park not quite ready to see everyone yet. I looked over at (Y/N) and she was typing on her phone. When she was done, she turned it off and smiled at me. 

"Everything okay?" 

"Couldn't be better!"

"Let's do this thing!"

We climb out of my car and hook our arms then walk inside. In the lobby of the building my mom and dad are there. 

"Woodland!" my dad says when he sees me.

"You made it! Oh and you brought your beautiful girlfriend!" my mom says walking over to us. "So nice to meet you! I love your channel!" 

"Oh, thank you so much!"

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm Woodland's father. We've heard only good things about you!" 

They both shake her hand and walk away with her. 

"I'll catch you later!" she yells back before disappearing into the crowd of my family. 

I go and catch up with people and when I find (Y/N) again she's vlogging with my cousins on her phone. 

"What are you doing?" I ask walking over to them. 

"Your cousins made a nasty drink and I told them I'd drink it"

"Sounds like you've been having fun!"

"Woods you should drink some too!" 

"Yeah Woods!" (Y/N) says agreeing with my cousin. 


I go over by (Y/N) and once she takes a sip, I take one. 

"Reminds me of the nasty drinks we made for REKT. Disgusting. I give you guys an A on the gross drink!" (Y/N) tells my cousins, giving them all high fives. 

"Alright, can you come here?" I ask her. 

"Catch you guys in a bit" she says to my cousins before walking with me. 

We go outside and lean against the building. 

"So what's up Woody?"

"How's my family?"

"I love your family"

What a relief!  

"I'm glad, I've heard only good about you. My parents love you."

"Well they're nice folks. Your cousins are comedians and your aunts and uncles think I'm a comedian. It's kind of great."

"Kind of?"

"It is"

"I'm happy you like them and they like you."

"And I'm happy I'm here with you!" 

(Y/N) and I kiss then we go back inside. My cousins are waiting for us to come back in and drag her away down the back hallway so I go and spend some time with my mom. When my cousins bring (Y/N) back her hair is braided and she has lipstick on now. 

"What did my cousins do to you?"

"A make over? I definitely want to hang out with all your cousins in the future my guy. We should do a skit bit with them"

"Skit bit?"

"That's what we're calling them now. Get used to it boy!" 

"It's dinner time!" My dad yells out to everyone. "Please all go to your seats and we will eat and have cake." 

(Y/N) looks to me and I lead her to a table with my parents at it. We sit down and she looks nervous so I grab her hand underneath the table and squeeze it. She gives me a smile and I smile back. 

"Young love!" my dad says, interrupting the moment.

"Oh I remember when we were young" my mom adds. 

They start a conversation with (Y/N) and I feel my phone vibrating. 

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." 

I go outside and answer the call from Matt. 


"My family absolutely loves her Matt"

"That's great Woods, don't turn into Paul."

"I won't! I love your sister so much, I'd do anything for her."

"Okay, go back to the party and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Woods!"


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