--fifty two--

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Paul's POV:

"WOAH!" Connor said looking around.

"Oh no, not on my watch" Woods said walking out of blue base.

I run after him with Tanner to make sure nothing bad happens. When we got to red base,  Mason was in the theater room by himself.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Woods asked him.

"The bathroom"

"Thank you"

He marched down stairs and waited for her to get done then he grabbed her and dragged her to the "secret hallway" we have. Tanner and I were still there in case we had to intervene.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We're spending the night in blue base, guess I could ask you the same."

"Well you kinda kicked me out of your house Woods!"

He what!?

"Your fault by the way. Why are you and Mason suddenly all buddy-buddy also?"

"Why does it concern you? Last time I checked you broke up with me and again, you kicked me out so I don't owe you any answers!"

She walked out leaving the three of us in the hallway. Matt and Connor came in and Matt looked furious.

"You kicked my sister out? You could have at least waited until she got a place!" he yelled at Woods.

"Well we broke up and besides she was never at my place, I thought she got one!"

"Sometimes you don't think Woods, go home please!"

Woods left the four of us and I turned to Matt, "she can use my spare room until she gets a place."

He nodded then we all went back to blue base.

Mason's POV:

(Y/N) looked a little mad when she came in but I didn't bring it up because I didn't want to anger her more. She curled up next to me and a short time later fell asleep. I glanced down at her and smiled.

I'm think I'm falling in love.

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