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That night I'm sitting on my bed editing when the doorbell rings. When I answer it's Paul.

"How did you get my address?" I ask as I let him in. 

"Matt, who else would give me it?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming? I look like crap!"

"You never look like crap, you look fine!"

"So Paul, what are you doing here?"

"I came over to see if you wanted to play some video games or watch a movie or something but it doesn't look like you have a TV anywhere!"

"There's one TV in this house and it's in my room. C'mon!"

We go into my room and we're watching a movie when I get a call from Matt. 

"Hey Matt what's up?" I answer the phone and go to the door before turning to Paul. "Be right back!" I tell him before closing the door behind me as I step into the hallway. 

"So I take it Paul is there?"

"Uh yeah, I hear you gave him my address?" 

"Yeah, he wanted help you get settled in. Last week when Joey and I were there, you still had everything in boxes."

"Oh yeah, I unpacked everything but I think we're just gonna watch a movie. So you were clearly calling for more than that, what's up?"

"Well I decided I want you on REKT so starting tomorrow you're going to be filming with them. Tomorrow is a shoot."

"Thanks big bro! See you tomorrow!" 

I go back into my room and Paul is giving me a questioning look. 

"Just Matt"

He nods his head and I climb back onto my bed next to him. We continue watching the movie and I lean my head on him. Paul wraps his arm around my waist and rests his head on me. I start to feel my eyes getting heavy and the last thing I see before I fall asleep is that it's almost one in the morning. 

When I wake up, Paul and I are still cuddled together. I unwrap his arm from around my waist and I pick out shorts and a tank top then I go and take a shower. When I come out Paul is scrolling through his phone but he glances at me. 

"Someone's up early, it's not even seven."

"Well someone else is up too so it can't be that early!"

He rolls his eyes before standing and stretching. 

"I should probably go home and get myself ready for today, see you at work!" he says before leaving. 

I check my phone and see a missed call from Tanner. 

When did I get his number?

I call him back but he doesn't answer so I assume he's still asleep. I go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal then grab my keys, my phone and my camera and then climb into my truck and drive to the studio. I'm the only other person there besides a car that looks like Gunner's. I go into orange base and into my shared office and I log into my computer. As it's loading Gunner pops into the doorway. 

"So that was your car outside!" 

"Yep, Matt told me you're going REKT?"

"Uh yeah, what time is the shoot today?" 

"Well we're doing a don't drop the bucket type thing so we're going to pick stuff up around ten."

"Cool, I'll meet you guys in the parking lot at ten!" 


Gunner leaves and I put my headphones in and start listening to music while I edit thumbnails. While I'm editing them, I'm so focused on my work that I didn't even realize Paul came in until like half an hour after he came in. I take out my earbud. 

"Hey Paul!"

"And she's alive!" 

"Sorry, I didn't know you came in!"

"Someone enjoys her job!"

"Something like that. Anyways I wanted to kno-"

"(Y/N)!" Tanner yells walking in. "You ready?"

I glance and see that its five minutes to ten. I nod and follow Tanner before popping back into the office quick. 

"We'll finish this conversation later!" 

Tanner grabs my arm and pulls me, "let's go!"

I follow Tanner outside and we meet by Gunner's car. Pat is there with a camera and we all climb into the car, Gunner and Tanner in the front, me and Pat in the back. Pat records us as we crack jokes and sing along to the radio as we drive. 

Pat starts to record once again and Tanner starts an intro, "guys what's up, we just came up with a pretty sick idea which is the don't let go challenge so we're gonna be hanging up weights and we're gonna have to hold them with a rope and we're gonna be asking questions and making it more difficult if we get it wrong."

"If you let go the weight smashes your item" I pick up from Tanner. 

"We're gonna try and go get a bunch of different items and things to make it more difficult" Tanner tells the camera. 

"At the rich man's store" Gunner says.

"Walmart!" we yell in unison.

Pat and Gunner go off and Tanner and I go and we get oil to make your hands slippery while they get markers for drawing on people's faces. 

Next we go to Home Depot or as Tanner called it, "home de-pot." We get rope and walk around looking for buckets. We can't find them, mainly because Tanner wasn't looking hard enough. Eventually we make a second go around and I see them. 

"Tanner you are blind!" I tell him grabbing two buckets. 

"One more" Gunner tells Tanner. 

He goes to grab it and we hear him say ow. Gunner gives him a questioning look and he holds his hand up. 

"I broke my nail!" 

I grab his hand and kiss it, "all better!" 

He gives a thumbs up to the camera and we all laugh. We pay for the stuff and head to goodwill for some stuff to smash before going back to the studios to finish setting up for the shoot. After everything is set up Tanner leaves and comes back a few minutes later in a green suit. 

I start to laugh as Tanner looks me dead in the eyes and says, "let's get this party started!"

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