--forty four--

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Later that night Pat, Gunner and I were seated in Pat's car outside the Sam Merrill trail head in Pasadena. I was scrolling through my phone looking for more research on the place in the front seat while Gunner and Pat were in the backseat packing backpacks. 

"Okay, I'm doing an intro and reading some of this stuff" I tell the two turning in the seat to face them.

"Okay, bags are packed and we're ready whenever."

I take my camera and put it on the dashboard then hit record. 

"Hey folks I'm here with Patrick and Gunner and we're at the Sam Merrill trail which leads to the Cobb Estate or better known as the Haunted Forest. I know this isn't my normal content but I want to give the exploring life a little go and I'm glad to have these two with me. They know nothing about this place and most of you guys don't know probably so I'm gonna read off some stuff here. It says here people report negative feelings, being "watched" or even touched, strange lights, laughter, screams, along with tales of Satanic rituals and KKK gatherings. The land the estate encompasses was once a temporary home to many who prospected for gold in the hills. Around 1916, Charles Cobb purchased the parcel and built a summer retreat. Cobb was an active Mason, and after his death in 1939, the main house became a Masonic Home for a time, then was used as a retreat by the Sisters of St. Joseph. In the 1950s, the Marx Brothers purchased the estate and the main house was torn down by 1960. The site was almost sold to developers until the citizens of Altadena raised enough funds to buy it at auction and donate it to the forest service with the provision that no structures would ever be built on the land."
(Source: http://laghostpatrol.com/2010/11/haunted-forest-cobb-estate/ )

"Why didn't you tell us this before?"

"Cause then you both would've chickened out! Plus it doesn't seem that bad!"

"People report negative feelings, being watched or touched, screams, laughs and there's satanic rituals and KKK gatherings here!"

"Hey, there are worse places I could've picked! Besides if we hear people we can just duck into the woods or something!"

"Okay fine!" 

"Alright we're going to head to the gates and when we start walking I'll take the camera back out."

We all climb out and Gunner hands me my bag. I grab my phone and take it out, recording a small clips for my instagram story.

"About to film a sketchy video with these two, be on the lookout for it soon!"

I add a location tag and put Pat and Gunner's usernames then post it. I shove my phone into my bag and grab the flashlight Gunner brought for me. 

"Ready boys? That's the last street light until we come back out. Now it's just us and our flashlights."

"I'm not ready but let's do it anyways!" 

We walk towards the gate and Gunner looks at it. 

"Why does it look like we're walking into hell?"

"Maybe we are Gunner!" Pat says to mess with him. 

"Shut up you two, it's already creepy enough" I snap at the boys.

"Is someone scared?"

"No! I just don't need that on my mind too Patrick!" 

We start to walk the trail and I pull my camera back out. I look around and try to lighten the mood with a joke.

"This is what they call the haunted forest eh? I don't see that many trees to be honest."

I get a laugh out of both the boys and they start to talk about something stupid while I talk to my camera. 

"Okay so I didn't tell these two either but there's coyotes here but I guess it's fine." 

I keep talking when we hear a scream. All three of us stop and listen. There's another scream and Gunner turns around and starts to walk back down the hill. 

"Gunner wait!" Pat hisses at him in a low tone. 

We hear a yell. 

"Help me!"

Pat looks at me and starts to back down by Gunner and I.

"Did someone just yell help me?"

I nod and then we look around. 

I glance towards the trees and see a figure on the wood line. 

"I see you" we all hear.

"Okay, I'm here as voice one of reason and I say we go" Pat says backing down the hill.

"It's not just one person, it's a group (Y/N)!" 

We see flashlights and more people. 

"Should we get out of here?" Pat asks.

"In all honesty?" I respond.

"I kinda want to keep going" Gunner whispers to us. 

"Says the one who was trying to leave thirty seconds ago!" Patrick says to him making me laugh a bit. 

"Let's go then but from now on, no noise. We don't know what else is here."


We keep walking for a while more before Pat stops us and turns around. 

"The flashlights are closer, I think they're coming. They definitely know we're here."

"Okay so be ready to run if we have to and if we have to split up then I guess we have to split up."

We walk some more in silence until we come to a fork in the road. 

"Which way do we go?"

"Online it said that the estate path was to the right and the forest was to the left so I say we go right."


As we're walking we hear the voices we were hearing before start to get louder and I hear Gunner from behind me say, "I got a bad feeling about this."

We continue along the path looking for anything out of the ordinary when there was scream. This wasn't a normal scream but a scream that was right in front of us. Then after that we hear an evil laughter. 

"Guys, I think it's time to go" I say slowly starting to back up.

"Yeah me too!" 

We stop for a minute and Gunner looks down the hill to our right. 

"They're right there!"

"Go! Go, go, go, go!" Pat says pushing back the way we came.

We get to the split in the path where it meets and start running down the main path I glance behind and see people starting to follow us. 

"GO! They're right behind us!"

We pick up our pace and start to sprint as fast as we can.

"COME HERE!" We hear from behind us. 

"Guys faster!" Pat says.

We start to lose them and stop for a minute. 

"You trying to run all the way back?" 

"If we have to, they're still coming. Look!"

We turn and see about six or seven flashlights coming down the path behind us. 

"Shoot! Keep going and meet at the car!" 

We all start sprinting again and get to the car. When we get to the gate Pat is already unlocking his car and we all run for it's safety. We quickly get in just in time to see six kids on bikes come from the trail head. 

"They were on bikes and we just outran them, wow."

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