-forty one-

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Tanner's POV: 

Woods, Paul and I are already at the restaurant when Matt and (Y/N) arrive. When they come in, Matt sits next to me and (Y/N) sits on the opposite side of the booth next to Woods and she rests her head on his shoulder. 

"You guys doing okay?" I ask them.

"Joey's awake so that's good" Matt tells us.

"Why aren't you there with him then?"

"The stupid doctor kicked us out!" 

The waitress comes over and we all order then we continue our conversation until our food comes. Once we've finished and paid, (Y/N) brings Paul home while Woods brings me home.

Paul's POV: 

I asked (Y/N) to give me a ride home since her house is close to mine. 

"How have you been?"

"I've been. Trying to make it through and seem like I'm fine even though I'm not."

"Sometimes it's okay to cry. I would know"

We talk the rest of the ride then I go inside and wait for Jen to get to my house. 

Woods's POV: 

When I get home I get a text from (Y/N) saying that she's on her way. I unlock the door for her and turn on the porch light then I go put swim shorts on and I go sit in the pool. I told (Y/N) to bring her swim suit so we could swim under the stars and she gladly agreed. 

I'm sitting in quiet when I hear the door open. I turn to see her walking towards the pool. She sits on the deck and slides down into the water next to me. 

"Why is your pool cold?"

"Will this help you?" I ask wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer. 

"Yeah" she says smiling. 

I look into her (E/C) eyes and smile back. She looks up at the stars and starts to point out different constellations. 

"How do you know so much about the stars?"

"My dad and I used to lay in our back yard and look at them for hours when I was little."

"Aw how cute" 

"Just like you!"

"And you too!"

We kiss and then get out and lay in the yard, looking at the stars. Eventually I stand and see that (Y/N) is sleeping. I carefully pick her up and carry her inside, resting her on my bed once we get into my room. I pull a blanket over her then I lay down next to her and fall asleep.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up to an alarm that isn't mine. I roll over and see Woods climbing out of bed. 

"Morning Woody!"

"Hey (N/N)"

"Did I fall asleep outside last night?"

"Yeah, I brought you in."

"Oh, thanks."

I go and grab my bag from by the door then change and braid my hair. I look outside and see it's raining. 

"Want a hoodie?" Woods asks holding one out to me. 

"Yeah, thanks."

I pull it on then we leave for work.

"One more week until Mitch leaves, it's disheartening."

"Yeah but he's doing what he loves so we have to be happy for him."

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