-twenty nine-

818 17 2

Pat's POV:

I was plugging in the last cord to set up (Y/N)'s computer when the door opened. She came into the office and set down a cup. 

"Surprise, it's all finished!" 

"Pat what time did you get here?" 


"Oh my gosh, why didn't you text me? I would've come to help!" 

"It's okay. I felt bad about dropping the strip on your head so I thought I'd finish this up."

"Well thank you! Do you want breakfast or something? My treat!" 

I nod and we go back outside and we get in her truck. We drive to McDonald's and she buys me breakfast and she gets food for Gunner too. We drive back to the office and when we get there, Paul and Tanner are in the parking lot doing a bit. (Y/N) gives a weird look in their direction before we go inside. Gunner is in the office when we get there working already. 

"Here's your food!" (Y/N) yells throwing the bag at him. 

"Did you get me orange juice too?" 

"Here" she answers handing him the cup. 

It's a REKT film day so once we all eat our food, the three of us head into the warehouse to set up for today's videos.

(Y/N)'s POV: 

"What order do we want to do these?"

"Fast food video last, smashing food first and the spear one in between."

"Okay so while you, Tanner and Woods are doing the spear one, Pat and I will go get the food."

"Sounds like a plan!"

Woods came in and we finish setting up then Paul and Tanner come in to sit and watch what we're doing since they don't have their own shoots to do. Mitch comes in with the camera while Pat and I are setting up the slow motion one and Woods and Gunner are setting up the over head one. 

"You guys set?" Pat asks Gunner and Woods as he hands me the tripod. 

They give a thumbs up then come down from the platform and help us set up. I glance over at Paul and Tanner and they're talking with Chuck. Paul steals a glance at me and I go back to working on the camera. 

Paul's POV: 

(Y/N) and I haven't talked since Monday when I dropped her off. I don't know if she's mad at me or if she has just been busy. Today was a REKT shoot so I showed up at the shoot in hopes that I could grab her for a minute. They were still setting up when Tanner and I walked in so we went and talked with Chuck. While they were setting up I looked over and saw (Y/N) looking over but when she realized I was looking, she looked away. 

I heard Pat say everything was all set up and Woods, Gunner and (Y/N) went up top to start the video. 

"Pat put the nail board down on the tape!" Gunner yelled as they all put glasses on. 

Pat put the board down, (Y/N) started the camera up top and they started filming. 


"See you guys next time!" 


"(Y/N) bring down the camera!" 

"Yes Dad!" 

Woods, Gunner and (Y/N) came down from the platform and everyone started dismantling the set. I saw (Y/N) hand the camera to Pat and they left. 

"I'll be right back!" I tell Tanner before I rush after them. 

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