--thirty eight--

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Woods and I were hanging out at his place watching a movie when he turned to look at me, shifting his weight so that he wasn't sitting right on top of me. 

"So what was the news you got?"

"I'm Hi5's newest supervisor!"

"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

"Woods I'm a dedicated child!"

"I know, does that mean you run REKT now?"

"Technically yes but no, REKT is a shared channel. Pat can say it's his all he wants but he lies!" 

I look back at the television and then back to Woods when I hear the doorbell. 

"I got it Woods!"

I go open the door and Tanner, Gunner and Pat are outside.

"What are you doing here?" Tanner asks me.

"I could ask you the same."

I realize that Gunner and Pat still don't know about Woods and I so Tanner plays it off. 

"Why are you in Woody's clothes?"

"Cause I didn't have any at work today. I was at the studios so I didn't go home and Woods gave me clothes to change into and I drove here after work to hang with Woods so I haven't really been home."

"Oh okay"

"So you guys gonna come in?" I ask moving out of the way.

We all go back to the living room and I sit in the chair so Woods and I don't give away our little secret to Pat and Gunner. 

"So what are you guys doing here?"

"Uh we aren't quite sure. Woods told us to come over."

"You did?" 

He nods, "listen, (Y/N) and I have something to tell you guys but we don't want it all over."

I look at him raising my eyebrow and he just waves his hand at me, then he continues to talk. 

"Okay (Y/N) and I are dating."

"Gunner I told you! Twenty-five dollars please." 

Gunner slaps money into Pat's hand and he shakes his head in shame. I roll my eyes then move back next to Woods since now everyone in Wood's house knows. 

"So why is everyone really here?"

"Well silly, we're doing REKT planning."



"We get valuable items from people around the office and we all have three items and we get to smash people's stuff."

"Oh my god! What a good idea!"

"I know!"

"I'm not down, I don't feel like breaking people's stuff" Tanner told us. "Sounds fun but no thanks!"

"Boo you're a fun killer!" I tell Tanner.

"No I'm a good person!"

"Since when?" Pat asked looking at him. 

"Since this was a bad idea!"

"Not if people agree to it Tan Man Chan!"

"Whatever, I don't want to be part of it"

"Okay, what other ideas do we have?" Gunner asks.

"I don't have any other ideas. Anyone else?" Woods answers. 

"Why don't we..." I start. 

"Why don't we what?" Pat asks me.

"I don't know. I got nothing" I finally say after thinking for a minute. 

"Ideas will come to us, it takes time" Tanner tells us.

"Yep! Anyways what are we doing now?"

"Could we film something for one of our channel's?" Pat asked.

"I have my camera!" Tanner says. 

"Me too!" I add. "Tanner let's film for yours since you never post."


"Thanks for watching and see y'all next time."

"That was fun" I say sarcastically as I wipe peanut butter off my face. 

"Hey you guys wanted to play truth or dare, it's not my fault."

Woods's POV:

(Y/N) went to go clean her face off while the rest of us cleaned up. 

"So you're really dating her Woods?" Gunner asked raising his eyebrow.

"Oh come on Gunner, you're telling me you haven't noticed them hanging out... A LOT!" Pat says to him.

"I didn't think anything of it!"

"You're dumb then!"

"Hey stop fighting, my house my rules!" I tell Gunner and Pat.

"So has she been living here?" Tanner asks as Gunner and Pat continuing their little argument.

"No, she still has her own place and while we do mainly hang out here, sometimes we go there"

"Oh okay, gotten laid yet Woods?"

"You guys trash talking me?" (Y/N) asks looking at Pat, Gunner and Tanner as she walks in. 

"Honestly when don't we?" Tanner says making us all laugh.

"Fair point Tanner" she says back, making us all laugh harder.

"So are you guys staying the night?" I ask everyone. 

They all nod and so we set up make shift beds in my living room for the five of us. At about midnight we call it a night and we all fall asleep. In the morning when I wake up there's only four of us and I realize that (Y/N) is gone. I see a note on the table so I grab it and read it. 


Something came up and I had to leave at about three this morning. Sorry if you were awoken by me but I'll see you guys either at work or you'll see me tomorrow.


I grab my phone and text her trying to find out what happened. I wake up the rest of the guys and they all leave to get ready for work. I get myself ready and drive in hoping to see Matt, Joey or even (Y/N)'s car but when I see none of them, I realize this must be serious. I wait and check to see if any of them had come in yet and none of them had come in yet. 

I go on my lunch break and I'm about to clock back in when my phone rings. I see it's (Y/N) and I answer immediately. 

"Hey is everything okay?"

"Hey Matt wants to know if you can make sure everything smooth at the office today, we're kind of busy."

She sounds like she's crying but I don't want to say anything.

"Of course I can." I pause for a minute then ask my question again. "Everything okay?"

"Uh not really, listen I have to go so I'll talk to you later."

She hangs up and doesn't even say bye. Paul and Tanner come in and drag me upstairs. 

"What's going on and why did Matt just say you're in charge?"

"Listen I don't know! I just got a call from (Y/N) and she sounded upset."

"I wonder what happened."

"Me too."

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