--fifty six--

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Mason's POV:

I glance at the clock and see it's eight now.

"I think everything looks great Mas" Tanner tells me as he pats my back.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys though" I tell him and Cameron as I take a seat the couch and look around the apartment.

"I think my favorite part of this who place right now is the Christmas lights strung around with the pictures under them"

"I know Paul did something like this but not to this extreme, plus I think you and (Y/N) are way cuter than her and Paul."

"Me too" Cameron says agreeing with Tanner.

"Thanks guys, I better tell Paul to let her out of the room he locked her in I guess. Do you guys wanna set out the petal path so I can call him then change?"

"Of course we can!"

"Thank you guys!"

I walk to the spare room that I've been staying in and call Paul from my cell. Once he says she's free and on her way back I change and go to see how the flower path looks.

"It's amazing! Thanks guys. I owe you both!"

"No you don't, let's go Cam so the man and his lady can be alone together."

They leave and I set out a dress I got for (Y/N) and leave a note. After all that I put a note with instructions on the door then I go to the spare room and wait for her.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I pull into the lot of the apartment complex and park my car near the elevator. I ride up to my floor and when I get to my door, I notice a sheet of paper on it.


theses are instructions for you, before you enter your apartment at ALL, in the mudroom is a dress for you that I'd love if you put on and once that's done, if you do, follow the trail of rose petals.


Confused, I unlock the door and see the dress he's talking about. I change into it and then do as the instruction card said and follow the petals until I'm standing outside the spare room. I place my hand on the handle and turn it slowly. I push the door open and see Mason standing there, staring nervously at the wall.

"Mason?" he looks at me. "Did you do all this for me?"

"With the help of Cameron and Tanner, yes."

I have no words so I walk over to him and hug him.

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?"

I nod, again having no words.

"Go get some shoes, we're going to dinner" he whispers in my ear.

I go into my room and slip on a pair of black flats then go out to the living room where he's waiting.

"Let's go"

"That was amazing Mason, thank you."

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him as I hang my coat up.

"I love you" 

"I love you too"

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