-fifty five-

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AN: hey everyone I know it's been awhile but I've had time to work through chapters and hopefully make some sensible writing to try and wrap this story up. Thanks for everyone's patience while I was gone.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Get away from me Woods!" I told him as I pushed him away.

"I still love you though..."

"I'm sorry but I've moved on Woods, you should too."

I shook my head as I walked away and went inside.

"You two good?" Pat asks me as I grab Mason's hoodie I wore to work.

"I'm leaving, come on Mas."

I walk out and I hear Mason say goodbye to Pat and Gunner before coming out after me.

"You good?"

"Not really"

"Maybe this will help?"


Mason hugs me and I hesitate for a moment, confused, before hugging back. We stay like this until I hear Paul, Tanner, Connor and Matt's voices in the parking lot. I pull away and see them coming over to my truck as I turn to face them.

"Hey (N/N) and...."


"and Mason. How are you guys?"

"Not the time Matt, you guys going to shoot GG?"

"Yeah, where are you off to? Going to film?" Paul asked motioning to the camera in my hand.

Going to film...


"Oh yeah, Mason and I are going to shoot a video"

"Well have fun with that, bye!"

I waved then we climbed into my truck and I started it but didn't leave just yet. I turn to him and he was just staring at me.

"Do you want to film a video?"

"What would we do?"

"I don't know..."

"Well I guess we should go figure something out!"


I hold the door for Chipotle open until Mason goes through the door then I follow in behind him. I stop recording and then follow Mason to the order line. 

"Hi welcome to Chipotle, how can I help you guys?" 

"Mason, order for me."


I walked over to a table and sat down, pulling my phone out and seeing that Paul had texted me asking if I could call him. I answered him and then went outside while Mason finished up ordering our food. 

"Hey Paul, what's up?" 

"Hey so I wanted to know if you could meet me at my place when you and Mason get done with whatever it is you're doing?"

"Uh yeah, I can. I just have to drop Mason off back at the apartment first and then I'll be over. Everything okay?"

"Yes, I just need to talk to you."

"Can you talk over the phone to me about it?"

"I could but I'd rather talk in person about it."

"Okay, whatever you say buddy"

I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket then walk over to Mason who's at the register paying for our food. 

"All set?"

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