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"What brings you here?"

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you dropped your wallet when you broke into the studio and stole my laptop and my friend's camera!" I say shoving the wallet into his chest. 

"Ah yes, let me go grab those for you."

He closes the door and returns a minute later with our stuff. I go to grab it but he pulls it away. 

"Jax give me the stuff!"

He sets down the stuff and steps outside, grabbing my wrists. He smashes his lips onto mine and I try to squirm free but his grasp is too strong. 

"Jax stop!" 

"You can have your stuff back now, I just really wanted to do that one more time."

He hands me back the laptop and camera and I leave, going back to the studio as Matt is walking out. 

"Where'd you go?"

"To visit an old friend"

"Okay then..."

I go inside and see that Paul and Tanner are inside our office. 

"I got your camera!" I say smiling at him. 

"No way! I realized that Tanner and I filmed a bit on it after the SD card was taken out and I was trying to find it." 

He plugs the camera into the computer and pulls up the footage from the camera. 

"Paul I thought you said it was only the bit we shot on there."

"That's what I thought..."

"So what's that video then?"

I walk around and Paul starts the video, it's what Jax just made me do. 

Kiss him. 

"What is this?" Paul asks me closing the video. 

"Paul I swear I didn't want to, he grabbed me and made me. He even left marks on my wrists..." I say showing the guys. 

"Sure (Y/N)." 

"Paul, I'm not gonna have this argument right now, either you believe that I would never even think about kissing that sad, sorry loner who abused me for two years or you don't!" 

I grab my hoodie, my phone, my laptop and my keys and I leave. I tell Matt that I don't feel good and I drive home. When I get home, I lay on my bed and cry until I doze off. 

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