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We pull apart and I look at him. 

"Paul when did he tell you?" 

"While you were filming REKT. I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend but I wasn't sure you were ready. You seemed pretty upset after you broke up with Jax."

"Paul Kennedy, are you asking me to be your girlfriend right now?"

"Maybe" he says with a smirk. 

"Well sir, your answer is a yes. You're welcome to come back and hang out with Tanner and I if you want."

"Maybe I will."

I give Paul a hug and let him leave. Before going back inside I call Matt. 

"So you told Paul?"

"I'm sorry but I ju-"

"Matt, it's fine. Besides you saved me a second sob story."

"Second? Who was the first?"


"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at work!" 

"Oh and I think Paul is coming back to hang at red base, Woods might stay too."

"Okay, just don't get too rowdy!"

"Yes Matt" I say in a dull tone and rolling my eyes, not that he could see.

I go back inside and invite Woods to hang out with us and I tell him Paul is coming back too and so Woods says he's going to get some clothes and then he'll be back.

"So what just happened between you and Paul in the parking lot?" Tanner asks when we're alone again.

"You saw?"

"Well you kinda just ran out! Did you expect for me not to see what you were doing?"

"Well I'm not quite sure Tanner"

"Sure you aren't" he says sarcastically.


He laughs and I go downstairs and look around for something I can drink. I'm about to open the fridge when I hear a noise from the warehouse.

"Tanner?" I yell out.

"What?" he yells back from upstairs.


I release my grip on the fridge and slowly walk towards the warehouse. I kick the door open and peek my head in. I enter and turn on the lights but I don't see anyone.


No answer.

"Why would anyone answer? It's an empty warehouse at eleven at night."

As I'm about to shut off the lights and go back upstairs I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I scream and whoever it is let's me go. I turn around to see Paul laughing.

"Paul you're so mean!"

"But I'm also funny!"

"That wasn't nice!"

I watch him go and pick up his camera and then we go back upstairs to join Tanner.

"What happened?"

"Paul got me"

"Yes I did!"

I grab my camera and start vlogging.

"Hey everyone, so I'm here with Tanner and Paul and Woods is on his way and we're spending the night at the studios so I'm thinking we could go have some fun around the bases. Maybe some manhunt in the buildings?"

"I'm down!" Tanner yells.

I hear the door open downstairs and then Woods and Connor come in.

"I heard we were having a party in the dark!" Connor yells as he set down his bag.

"We definitely are!"

"What are we doing?

"Manhunt, teams are you three versus Paul and I?"

"Base is my office!" Tanner yelled.

"Okay well then let's do that! Oh and you can't guard! Since it's my video, Paul and I hide first!"

"Okay, you guys have five minutes starting now!"

I run out and Paul is close behind me.

"So they're definitely going to watch where we're going so I say we run around red and go into the back of orange then we'll hide on the REKT set until the five minutes is up and once we're sure they're gone, we can run into Tanner's office."

"Sounds like a plan!"

We run around red base then around to the back of orange and sneak inside, going into the REKT warehouse.

"Follow me, I have a good spot. It's a little small but we can manage for a few minutes."

I lead Paul to a long but thin corridor off to the back of the studio where it's covered by all our supplies.

"Once we get in here, I'm not gonna have my vlog because it's too small but I will set it up out here so when Tanner and them get here you guys can see and I'll be back again when we run for the office."

I set up my camera and work my way into the hole and Paul follows. 

"Oh my god it is really tight in here"

"Yea I know" 

We stay crammed in the space for a good ten minutes before we hear anything. 

"Woods maybe they're in here!" 

That was Connor. 

"The REKT set?"

"Let's check!" Tanner yells. 

I hear them trip over stuff that Gunner and I left out while we were building for the next REKT shoot. 

"Well I don't think they're in here. Let's go check blue base." 

We hear them leave and I motion for Paul to get out and grab my camera so we can make a break for Tanner's office. He takes the camera and starts to move around when he gets out and I follow close behind him. I turn on the flashlight and tell Paul to keep holding the camera. We go over to the warehouse door and I poke my head out and come back inside. 

"They're still here. They're upstairs so we have to be quiet" I whisper to Paul.

I see him give a small nod then I wait until I hear them leave. I sneak through the door letting Paul through then closing it quietly behind him. We sneak down the hall and as I round the corner I see Tanner walking down the hall. 

I turn and push Paul back down the hall and we dodge into the stairway. 

"Who was it?" he whispers. 


"No way!" 

We hear him come into the main area and watch him leave. 

"Run!" Paul tells me as he pushes me down the hallway towards Tanner's office. I run down the hall with Paul pushing me the whole time. I turned into his office and Connor and Woods jump out from behind the door and Tanner came in behind us. 

"Happy birthday!" Everyone including Paul yelled. 

I look at the clock on Tanner's desk and see it's four after midnight. They all give me hugs and although my birthday isn't my favorite, it made me smile. 

"Thanks guys!"

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