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-6 months later, Monday-

Matt's POV:

This morning when I arrived, (Y/N) was in Wood's office and Paul was standing outside the office. He tried to open the door and kicked it in defeat.

"(Y/N) open the door! Please!"


"What happened?"

"Matt! Can you unlock the door? I swear I'll explain everything later!"

I sigh and grab my keys, unlocking the door for Paul. When I open it, my sister's eyes grow wide and I receive a death stare. Woods moves in his chair in front of her and she softens her a look.

"Bad idea right now Matt!" Woods says to me.

"(Y/N) my office, now!"

"Woods, it's okay. I'll be back."

Woods nods and she gets up and follows me and Paul upstairs. I stand in the doorway and they both go in. I follow behind, switch the sign on my door to 'Do Not Disturb' and lock it.

"Both of you sit, neither of you are leaving until I'm told what happened and we solve this conflict!"

They both sit, (Y/N) on the couch and Paul in a chair by my desk. I sit in my chair and wait for one of them to start talking but when neither of them take it upon themselves, I turn to my sister.

"Care to start?"

"I'd love to start. Paul here decided he was gonna cancel plans to go on a date with another girl."

"Paul is this true?"

"No, we had dinner and that's it!"

"Have you seen your messages with her?"


"So tell me you're not cheating!"

"Wait let me see them and I'll tell you" I cut in so the tension has time to decrease.

Paul hands me his phone and I see a lot of 'I love you' messages between Paul and the girl named Jen.

"Who's Jen?"

"It's the girl whose office is right next to yours Matt!" (Y/N) yells at me.

I look for Paul hoping she's lying but the look on his face says otherwise. I look at (Y/N) who is staring out the window. I shake my head and bury my face in my hands. (Y/N) gets up and leaves which leaves Paul and I in my office.

Woods's POV:

(Y/N) comes walking back in with a sad look on her face. She closes the door behind her and sits down against it.

"You good?"

"Woods, when is our next REKT shoot?"


She sighs and closes her eyes. I grab my phone and text our REKT group chat, asking everyone if they want to change the day of our video shoot to this afternoon. I see (Y/N) look at her phone then she gives me a smile, nodding her head. She stands up and walks over to me. I stand up and we hug.

"Thanks Woods" she whispers.

"Anytime, let's go pick up some stuff for baseball, blindfold destroying items and protecting our own stuff."

"So the first two we can go to goodwill and then we'll go to Gunner's place then yours and finally mine!"

"Sounds good!" I grab my keys. "Let's go get Mitch, Gunner and Pat!"

She runs out and I chase after her, looking for where she went when she ran outside. I see her poke her head up and duck back down.

"Where oh where did you go?" I ask walking closer to where I saw her.

I see her poke her head looking towards blue base and she can't see me because I'm behind her. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her. She screams and wiggles against my grip.

"Got you!"

"WOODS!" She yells laughing. "LET ME GO!"

Pat, Gunner and Mitch all come outside, Mitch recording (Y/N) and I messing around. They all laugh and I let go of her. We pile into my car, Mitch in the passenger seat, (Y/N) behind me, Gunner in the middle and Pat behind Mitch. While I drive, Mitch starts the recording, aiming at the three in the backseat for them to do the three intros for our three videos.

"Wait, I'll do the one for the protecting our stuff, Pat you do the one for baseball and Gunner you do the one for the blindfold one."

"What about me?" I ask.

"Woods, you're driving!"

"Right, continue!"

"And rolling!"

"Hey guys welcome to REKT! Right now we're all on a field trip to go and get stuff from my house, Gunner's house and Woody's house to try and break. We're going to be tying our stuff to a rope and the others are gonna be trying to break it and we have to protect it. If you don't understand now, you'll see when we get back to the studio."

"Good, Gunner your turn! Rolling!"

"Hey folks at home, right now we're going to pick up items for our blindfolded mystery destruction video. We're going to be blindfolded and an item is going to be put in front of us and we're going to try and break them so let's see how it goes after we get our items."

"And Pat you're turn."

"Hello everyone! I'm Pat and this is REKT! Right now we're going to get things for our baseball destruction derby. We're going to have a points system and loser has to do a punishment."

"Good! When we get to goodwill, Pat, Woods and (Y/N) will take this camera and you guys will find stuff for the baseball video and Gunner and I will go find items for the blindfold mystery challenge."

Mitch hands Pat a camera and I get us there safely then we all run inside to find good items once I parks. Pat, (Y/N) and I go to the back while Mitch and Gunner go to the sides. While we're searching Mitch and Gunner come into view and (Y/N) goes by the camera, points at them and says something I don't hear. Her and Pat laugh then she comes back over by me to finish looking.

When we're all done, we drive to my house and (Y/N), Gunner and Mitch go into my room to pick out somethings of mine while we all wait in my kitchen. When they come out, (Y/N) is holding a box that is closed.

"Onto Gunner's!"


Back at the studio we've already filmed two videos and (Y/N) seems like she's in a way better mood than this morning. She grabs the box of my stuff, I grab the box of Gunner's and Gunner grabs the box of (Y/N)'s. We bring the boxes inside and set them on the table.

"Okay so we have our own boxes in front of us and we're going to let Pat pick two items that we have to try and protect and we each have to pick one so in total we each have three items we're going to be trying to protect" (Y/N) explains as we open our boxes.

I look inside my box and I'm about to grab and item when I hear Gunner start laughing.

"You guys got my juicer?"

We all start laughing and (Y/N) walks out and comes back with a cup of water.

"You good?" I ask her as she throws the cup away.

She nods then pulls out a lamp that I took from her nightstand.

"You guys took my lamp? Oh well, Woods pick your item."

I look in my box and see a really old pair of headphones that I got forever ago.

"These headphones are my item. Now we're going to leave while Pat picks out our items."

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