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(Y/N)'s POV:

I went to put on sweatpants to buy myself time. In all honesty I didn't want to talk about this. Matt was the only other person who knew and at some point I'd have to tell others. The only person who I'd probably tell is Tanner. While we were brainstorming for REKT he told me to text him if I needed anything and even if it was midnight, he'd be there to talk about anything. I told him I'd do the same for him.

Once I feel like I'm ready, I text Tanner to come over in twenty minutes because I already know this conversation is not going to go well. I walk out to the living room where Matt is seated, waiting patiently.

"Are you ready for this conversation?"

"No but let's have it anyways since you won't leave me alone until we do have it."

I sit down next to Matt and take a deep breath.

"Okay so continuing from lunch, I know you broke things off which I'm glad to hear but I want to make sure you're okay."

"Matt I haven't been okay since the day Jax slapped me. I haven't been able to deal with myself!" I feel tears welling up. "I felt like it was my fault, because I was too happy and silly and goofy that he hated me."

"Then why didn't you end it then?"

"I was scared Matt! There! After two years I'm finally admitting it. I was terrified of Jax."

"So staying with him was gonna help you?"

"Breaking up wouldn't have been much better!"

"Why didn't you tell me this then?"

"Matt I didn't tell you because I know how you are! That's another reason why Joey doesn't know either! That's why it's between you and me!"

"Listen, I was scared for you. I was terrified that one day you'd call me and be broken and that the person on the other end wouldn't be my little sister."

"Well guess what Matt, your little sister is right here. She's grown up. I'm not so little anymore."

"I get that but you're so serious all the time. Jax broke you and only you can fix it. There's a hole in your heart and it needs to be filled. Find someone who cares."

I wipe the tears from my eyes and stare at the floor.

"I thought Jax cared, I don't know if I can do that to myself again Matt."

"You're strong, when the right person comes along you'll know. I have to go."

Matt leaves without saying even a goodbye and I break down on my couch. When I hear a knock on the door, I yell come in and Tanner comes in with ice cream and pizza.

"What happened?" he asks as he sets down the stuff and gives me a hug.

"Tanner, if I tell you something can you promise not to tell anyone? The only other person who knows is Matt."

"Of course!"

I explain the whole story to Tanner, taking bites of pizza in between, and when I'm finished he just stares, not knowing what to say.

"Why didn't you-?"

"Break up? I just answered that to Matt. I was scared."

"No one as nice as you deserves that. I'm sorry kid, why don't we head back to the studios and watch movies in red base all night in the movie room."

"Sounds like a plan, I need to grab clothes for tomorrow but I'll text Matt and let him know so he doesn't call the cops on us."

"I gotta run home quick and get some stuff, meet you there in twenty?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

I go and pack a bag, let Matt know where I'm going and then I grab my bag, my phone charger, my camera, the gift Matt gave me and my keys then I leave and drive to the studio. When I get there I see that Woods, Connor and Paul's cars are still there.

Wonder what they're doing here?

As I'm about to go into red base, Tanner runs up behind me and tries to scare me but I hear him. When he shakes me I scream for the effect.

"Were you scared?"

"Terrified" I tell him with a blank expression.

"I tried, so what are we watching?"

"Whatever is on TV."

When we get to the movie room, I hear Paul and Woods outside and see they're headed towards the door.

"Tanner, come here!" I tell him as I sit on the couch and pat next to me.

He sits down and I have him wrap his arm around me and I snuggle into his side.

"Follow my lead!" I tell him as I hear Woods and Paul enter.

"Wow it sure was nice of Matt to let us hang here so we could hide our relationship" I say loud enough for Paul and Woods to hear downstairs.

"Oh yeah, it's nice knowing Matt cares."

"What are they doing?" I hear Woods ask Paul.

"Let's go upstairs, I have no idea!"

"So Tanner" I say as I hear them coming up.

"Yes my beautiful girlfriend?"

I have to hold back laughter as I say my next sentence.

"How about we head back to my place after this show and have a little fun?"

"Oh yeah, sounds great!"

Woods and Paul walk in and I throw myself on the floor.

"Oh hey guys!" I ask acting like nothing happened. "What's up?"

Paul leaves and Woods just stares, "are you actually...?"


I get up and push past Woods to chase Paul. I hear the door close and run after him and he's already halfway to his car when I get outside.

"Paul wait!" I yell to him as I run across the parking lot.

"Please just leave me alone!" he yells as he unlocks his car.

I jump in front of him just before he can open the door and I shut it on him.


"Paul it was a prank! I'm not actually dating Tanner."

"(Y/N), Matt told me everything. I'm sorry about it all."

"What do you mean he to-"

Paul cuts me off by kissing me, and I don't refuse it.

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