--thirty two--

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Paul's POV: 

"So Woods and your sister huh?" Tanner asks Matt. 

"Listen I don't know what's going on and frankly I don't care. If you want to know ask her at lunch today."

"Well we wouldn't be in this situation if someone" Connor coughs, saying my name then continues, "didn't break up with her in the first place!" 

"Listen here Connor! I loved her don't get me wrong but sometimes she can be a pain!" Matt opens his mouth then closes it, the he starts to nod in agreement. "Plus Jen is really cool, and besides (Y/N) and I are still friends so we're all good!"

Tanner is about to say something when Connor stands up and looks outside. 

"See something good?" Matt asks as we all go over. 

"Matt why is (Y/N) dancing with Woods and Gunner in the parking lot?"

"Probably something for REKT, Mitch is filming and I see Pat there too so I'm just gonna assume it's that."

Mitch's POV: 

"Okay you three have to dance for five minutes straight, no stopping!" 

"PAT! That's the worst punishment ever!"

"Maybe next time don't lose the challenge!"


Pat and (Y/N) have a small argument but it's entertaining so none of us stop it. After they're done, Pat introduces what they're doing then they start dancing.

Matt's POV:

I see a hint of jealousy in Paul's eyes as he watches (Y/N) and Woods dance around with each other. He walks out and Tanner goes too.

"You saw the jealousy in his eyes too, didn't you?" Connor asks me. 

I nod and we sit there, watching them be stupid until they're done.

(Y/N)'s POV:

When Pat called time I was spinning in a circle so I was really dizzy. I was about to fall over but someone caught me. I turn to see Paul who wasn't outside just a few moments prior. 

"Uh thanks Paul" I say awkwardly as I step away from him.

"Yeah, no problem. What were you doing?" he asked no one specifically.

"A punishment for REKT. Why?"

"You guys looked stupid!"

I go over by Mitch to re-watch the footage just to see exactly what we looked like.

"Wow thanks Tanner" I hear Gunner say.

"(Y/N) are you getting lunch with us today?" Paul asked drawing my attention away from the video.

Woods and I make eye contact and he looks concerned but I turn to Paul and answer him.

"Oh uh yeah, Matt said he was gonna tell you guys I was going"

"Well he didn't, I was just asking."

"Okay, Woods and I have something we have to get to so I'll see you guys later" I say grabbing Woods's hand and pulling him to red base. 

"What are we doing?" he asks once we're in the warehouse, away from everyone.

"Well you can play piano and sing and I can sing and red base warehouse is empty so I figured-"

"We could do a singing video!"

"Could you be any louder?"

"My bad, sorry! What are we singing?"

"That's where I don't know yet. Spotify is going to decide that for us, that's the video."(AN: This is how I actually got the songs so sorry if they're completely random)

"Okay, I'm down!"

Woods grabs a keyboard from Mike and we go into the warehouse. I set up my camera and hit record after Woods gives me a thumbs up. 

"Hey folks at home today I'm joined by a Woods and we're going to be doing a Spotify singing thing. I'm going to be going to a recommended playlist on Spotify and clicking shuffle and we're going to sing some songs today."

I go onto the app and the first recommended playlist for me is songs to sing in the car so I click it and click shuffle. 

"Okay so the first song is Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran and the second is gonna be Fireflies so we're gonna take five minutes to figure this out and then you'll hear the final product."

We go and print out music and stuff and I grab an acoustic guitar to play for the songs. After we go over parts and everything Woods and I practice quick then when we're ready I turn my camera back on and we record the video.


"Cause everything is never as it seems, when I fall asleep"

Woods and I just look at each other as we sing the last line. 

"Thanks for watching all you peoples at home and leave a like and a comment if you want Woods and I to do more singing videos. Bye!"

Woods waves as I grab my camera and stop my recording. I smile at Woods and he tackles me onto the beanbag I was on, trying to hug me.

"That was AMAZING!" Mike says scaring both of us. 

"It really was! When did you learn to sing?" Matt asks walking in. 

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough that Mike wants to produce some music with you two"

"WHAT?" Woods and I say in unison. 

"I definitely want to maybe record something with you two, I can write something and make the background music, I would just need two singers."

Woods and I look at each other and start nodding. 

"We're in!"

"Great, I'll go get started on the music!" 

Mike leaves and now it's just Matt, Woods and I.

"Between us, is this a thing?" he asks pointing between the two of us.

"Don't say a word to anyone Matt!"

"Okay, I won't. Now it's lunch time, let's go kiddo!"

Matt leaves and I give Woods a quick kiss before I rush after Matt. As we're walking to blue base I stop him. 

"Matt, how'd you know where Woods and I were?"

"Mike asked who was in the warehouse so I checked the cameras. I saw you and Woods here and I wanted to see what you were doing but when I heard your singing I had to go get Mike."

"You really didn't know I could sing?"

"No I didn't. Everyone is waiting for us so let's go!" 

We climb into Matt's car where Connor, Paul and Tanner are already in it, singing to some song on the radio. I have to get in the back between Paul and Tanner while Connor gets to sit in the front. We're on our way when Woods texts me. 

W: Call me when you guys get where you're going

Y: Okay, is it important?

W: Well clearly it is because I can't wait until you get back

Y: okay okay, I will call you in a few

W: okay, ily

Y: ly2

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