--thirty six--

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(Y/N)'s POV: 

I wake up on Woods's couch with a headache. I look around and see that it's five in the morning. I groan and try to go back to sleep but I feel sick. I go into the bathroom and puke. Woods comes in yawning. 

"You okay?"

"Just a little sick, I'll be fine."


Woods walks out and goes back to sleep and I go and lay back down. I text Matt and ask if he'd be mad if I showed up in pajamas and he answers saying he'll text everyone and make it a work-wide pajama day. I fall back asleep until Woods wakes me up. 

"We have pajama day at work." 

"Yay!" I say faking enthusiasm since I already knew.

"Let's go, it's almost seven-thirty."


I roll off the couch and Woods and I leave, both in our pajamas. We order our breakfast and drive to the office. Before I go to orange base and part from Woods for the day he grabs my arm. 

"You gonna be okay?"

"Yes, I only puked once and it was probably from something I ate. If I start to feel sick again I'll text you."

"Okay, see you later."


"(Y/N) why do you look so pale?" Gunner asked as I entered the office again. 

"I don't know, I've been feeling a little sick. Nothing major though."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything."


I was walking downstairs after a GG shoot when I felt a wave of nausea hit me. 

"You okay?" Tanner asked as he saw me stop. 

"Y-yea, I'll be good." 

I go downstairs and into the bathroom. I close and lock the door and I puke again. After I feel I've gotten everything out, I go back upstairs and into the GG set where Woods is finishing up transferring some stuff. 


"(Y/N) you okay?"

"Wow you're really pale!" Matt exclaims as he walks in. 

"I'm aware Matt, I just threw up again"

"Matt can I take her home?"

"Yeah, go get some rest and I'll have Amanda make some chicken noodle soup for you. I'll drop it off later" 

"Thanks bro"


"Get some sleep and I'll either come over tonight or tomorrow."

"Matt is coming around seven so come over after that"

"Okay, I'll see you later"

Woods kisses my forehead then leaves and I pass out. 


"(Y/N)? How you feeling?"

I open my eyes to see Matt there and Amanda standing in the door. 

"Oh hey guys, I'm feeling a little better. I guess sleep helps."

"Yeah, Amanda made you soup and I brought you some tea too. It's right here on your nightstand so I'll let you enjoy it. Feel better sister, see you Monday."

"Thank you, bye!"

"Later, feel better!"

I fall back asleep after eating the soup and I'm awoken by Woods the next time. 

"Hey, you feeling better?"

"Yes actually, I'm feeling a lot better."

"Well that's good! So what do you wanna do?"

"Well we could film something but I don't know what we'd film."

"I think I have an idea, we can do it tomorrow though. I'm gonna go bye some stuff and I'll be back tomorrow morning"

"Uh okay, bye Woods!"

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