29. Tokyo,Japan part one.

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Today was the day,i was going to surprise Harry with a party tonight to celebrate the one year anniversary of his self titled album.

He didn't even mention to me once about it being one year because he rarely shares about the things going on in his life,which i totally understand.I knew he was the type of person who would take quite some time in order to open up,but i would never force him to say it out.I always made sure he got the respect and it will always be that way,but whenever he was willing to share about the important things.. i will always listen intently.

Growing up,i would always pay attention to the most little things.Such as how i would notice the way my dad places the silver fork and spoons on the dining table as i waited for dinner to be served,it was always never straight but slightly crooked.Or how i would notice the way my mom would tap her feet against the floor a few times whenever she was tired or feeling restless,it's the little things.

Being with Harry made me notice the little things too,such as how he would constantly wiggle his left toe whenever he was in bed just scrolling through instagram or twitter,how he eats his food with his tongue out first which i thought was really weird at first but then i thought it was cute.Or how he packs his things placing his most sentimental and valuable items first then placing his clothes on top of it so it wouldn't get damaged.

It is always nice to notice these things because they show how intriguing a human being can be,I don't know if Harry notices the little things too considering how much alike we both were when it comes to thinking.

My point is,i wanted Harry to really appreciate tonight.I wanted him to know that people cared even if something isn't mentioned and he deserves the love,i know how hard the band and him had worked on this album,and he needed to know that achievements are memories that should stick with him forever.

Lou and i have finally made it to the bar and we were waiting for the manager to open up the place for us, a few minutes later the manager finally showed up.
"Hi miss Katie,nice to meet you." Greeted the manager as he shook my hand and then shaking Lou's as well.

"Nice to meet you as well,What is your name by the way?" I asked the man politely.

"You can call me Shaun." He replied as he took the keys out of his pocket and walked towards the door proceeding to unlock it.
"Ahh-i'm so excited to see the inside of this place." I said excitedly with Lou nodding excitedly as well, "Ah yes,Mr Harry will love it here." Said Shaun and Lou looked at me trying not to laugh out loud at what Shaun had said.

Mr Harry

"Lou shut up,not now." I said as i nudged her shoulder and she mouthed a "sorry" causing me to smile,he finally opened the door and we all walked in the bar.

My jaw dropping the moment i looked around the place,it was stunning.The walls were a rusty wooden texture and every part of it were covered with vintage posters of The Beatles,there were warm coloured fairy lights hanging all across the windows and tables which gave it a very cosy cottage feeling.Each table were decorated with checkered table cloths to give it an old school feel and even a bottle of wine was placed inside a steel bucket.It was just so beautiful,i just know Harry is going to lose his shit when he sees this place.

Harry has always been an old soul just like me,that's why i knew he would appreciate this very much.
"Can you be my girlfriend for once Kat?" joked Lou and i laughed at her joke,still in awe of my surroundings, "Harry is going to freak when he sees this." I said as i took a few pictures of the place.

"How much did all of this cost hun? It must have costed a lot!" Asked Lou curiously and i chuckled,well she wasn't wrong on that one.

It did cost a lot to rent this place for a day but i know it will all be worth it when i see the look on Harry's face.

"Uhm- that doesn't matter,i'm just so excited for tonight!" I said excitedly,Shaun then brought in some helium balloons from the spare room and Lou and i gasped.There were almost 100 balloons and they were colour coordinated to the colours of Harry's album,i wasn't kidding when i said i really wanted Harry to be happy.

"You're joking! This is fucking crazy." Said Lou with her mouth wide opened and i laughed, clapping my hands excitedly, "It's the exact same colours of his album cover!" I exclaimed happily and she took a picture of it.

"You went all out huh?" Said Lou and i nodded smiling at her, "But that's not all .." i said as i noticed Shaun carrying out a large cake that had the words
"Congratulations on one year of the self titled album" written on it with icing.

I was so happy with how it turned out looking,it was so beautiful.

"You really love him don't you?" Asked Lou as she looked at our surroundings with a shocked expression.

I pondered on her question and thought about the first times Harry and i went through together,the first time we kissed at The Rolling Stones concert,the first nap we took together in his bedroom back in Holmes Chapel,the first break down we had when we decided to end things in a quiet alley somewhere in Sydney,the first i love you's.Everything just felt so in place.

"I really do."

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