61. Christmas eve,part one.

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"I think that goes perfectly with the wooden texture

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"I think that goes perfectly with the wooden texture." Said Anne as she held up the box of Christmas ornaments.

Gemma,Anne and i were currently out in Soho, London shopping for some last minute Christmas decorations.My trip to Japan had come to an end and it was a lovely experience but now i can't go on holidays anymore until this baby comes out of me.

I am currently staying with Anne here in Soho,she has a house that is built in a very private neighbourhood.Well technically,there aren't any neighbours.We figured it would be a great idea to stay here because no one would know that i was pregnant and i could just walk out of the house freely without worrying too much.

Today we were celebrating Christmas Eve and we will be having a dinner before we do a countdown for Christmas.I felt very grateful that i had a family to celebrate this holiday with but my heart can't help but sink knowing that i wasn't going to celebrate Christmas with my mom or even my..dad.

Don't get me wrong,i despise my dad.The things he had done and said to ma and i in the past will always a leave a permanent scar on me,but i missed having a fatherly figure in my life.Maybe it was because i lost my mom and that could be the reason as to why i was feeling so shitty.Anne and Lou would always advise me to meet my dad face to face and talk it out but just the thought of sitting in front of my dad or being in the same presence as him..sickens me.Hopefully one day,i'll have the courage to visit him.

"Do you wanna head back or are you feeling okay?" Asked Anne as she placed her hand on my lower back.

"I'm doing good Anne,thanks for asking.Now do you want some coffee? My treat." I suggested and she nodded,sending me a small smile.

Gemma,Anne and i had bought what we needed and we finally exited out of the store,heading our way to the nearest cafe.Once we found a seat,we browsed through the menu.But then i heard someone whispering from behind me and i immediately felt a little paranoid because almost everyone knew about my relationship with Harry.

I then felt a light tap on my right shoulder and i slowly turned around,facing a girl that looked just about my age.

"H-hi." greeted the girl.

"Hi." I greeted her back with a small wave and she smiled at me shyly.

"Couldn't help but noticed that you were sitting with Anne and Gemma,i was wondering if we could all take a picture together? I-if its too much of hassle then it'll be fine." asked the girl politely and i couldn't help but giggle when she said that,i could tell she was really nervous to talk to me because she couldn't even keep eye contact with me for more than 2 seconds.It was cute but i also felt bad because she was really nice and there was no reason for her to be afraid of me.

"Of course,it's really no problem at all." I reassured her and she thanked me softly.

I turned around to face Anne and Gemma and they both stood up,walking over to us as we all got ready to pose for the picture.I could feel the girl's hands shaking as it was placed gently behind my back and i couldn't help but frown,she had anxiety as well.I wanted this moment to be happy for her and the fact that she was afraid really broke my heart.She then thanked the three of us for being in her picture.

"It's alright,hope the picture turned out okay." I said to her and we both chuckle lightly.Just as she was about to walk away,i gently grabbed her wrist and she glanced at me.

"I-i bought extra hot chocolate and shepherds pie,i doubt that the three of us can finish it..so i was wondering if you and your mother would like to join us for lunch?" I asked her,sending her a smile and this time she really looked at me,in fact she never kept her eyes off of mine.

"W-we'd love to join you guys,thank you so much." answered the girl as she called her mom to come sit with us at the table.I walked over to Gemma and sat next to her.Gemma nudged my arm lightly and i looked at her, "What was that for hun?" Asked Gemma with a smirk on her face.

"Just a Christmas present for them." I answered her and she nodded her head and gave me a smile.

"Hi i'm Anne nice to meet you." Greeted Anne as she shook both the mother and the girl's hands, "Nice to meet you Anne,i'm Lorraine and my daughter's name is Julia." said Lorraine and I couldn't help but glance at Julia as she was talking to Anne. She had the biggest smile plastered on her face and it was almost like she couldn't believe that this was happening to her right now.

I knew she was going through something and all i wanted was for her to feel calm and content. She was just one of those fans who are kind and she didn't pressure any of us.It felt nice i guess.. to give happiness to someone who really needed it.

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