57.Moving in.

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"You like it baby?" i asked Katherine,carrying her in my arms as i showed her around the new house,her eyes were lit up the entire time.

"Whose room is that?" She asked,pointing her index finger towards to the last room.

the nursery room.

I bit my lip nervously,contemplating whether i should tell her about the baby now or together with Harry. "That's just a spare room,it is still being put together." I said  and she nodded her head,sending me a small smile.

Don't get me wrong,i really want Katherine to know about the baby but a part of me needed Harry to tell it with.My baby sister is still really young and i know she will be happy for me but it is Harry's baby too,so it would only make sense if he was with me when we break the news.

"I want play in the garden downstairs." She said with a small pout as she wrapped both her arms around my neck.

"Yea let's go bubs." I carried her and walked us both down the staircase and then placing her down.

We had just moved in yesterday,everything finally came in.However it was still a little messy but Anne said she will be helping me organise everything properly once Harry,Katherine and I head to Japan next week. Harry went to LA 2 days ago but he was finally arriving back home today,i would never stop him from hanging with his friends..pregnant or not.

Just as i placed Katherine down,i heard the doorbell rung.A wide smile appearing on my face because i knew it was Harry.

He's home.

I unlocked the door and there he was,wearing a black cotton hoodie,striped black and white trousers,paired with a bright pink beanie.
"Hi Harry." i greeted him,embracing him in big hug as he nuzzled his face at the crook of my neck.

"I missed you so much." I whispered and he hummed in response,a sign showing that he was extremely beat from all the travelling.

"My boyfriend doesn't miss me?" I teased and he unexpectedly carried me bridal style,causing a loud shriek to escape from me.Closing the front door with the back of his foot and running the both of us to the couch and dropping us,with my back plopping against the cushion and his weight pressing down on me.

"Your boyfriend misses you very much." He said with a lazy smile,pressing a gentle kiss on my lips  and then pulling back.His eyes glancing at my lips and then back to my eyes in the most sensual way.

My god..the things i'd do to him.

"I've been missing something else as well.." i whispered into his ear and a smirk appeared on my face.

" You poor thing,i would gladly fuck you on this couch right now but too bad your baby sister is making her way to us." he says with a cheeky smile and i groaned in annoyance.

"HARRY" screamed Katherine as she ran to him and i immediately straightened myself up and sat down properly.

"Hi love,i missed you."he carried her into his arms carefully and hugged her tightly, " I love this house soo much,thank you." thanked Katherine as she planted a sloppy kiss on Harry's cheek,my heart melting at the sight.

"It's my pleasure princess." Reassured Harry with a big smile on his face.

Jesus..somebody give this man a child already.

"Mama said that i must always say thank you to people like you." Mentioned Katherine and i raised an eyebrow in confusion.


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