43. Detroit

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"Alright so just walk straight ahead along the hallway and you'll reach outside,your transport should be there already." instructed the security guard as he helped me with my bags and i thanked him before walking pass him.

I had just touched down in Detroit,and let me tell you-my jet-lag was really hitting me hard.I felt so tired and restless and my lower back has been hurting way worse.I don't even know how i'm going to face Harry especially with the baby in my tummy,my anxiety was going insane right now.

However,I finally made it outside and there weren't many people waiting,thank god.I scanned around and then spotted a tall buffed man with a black suit holding a sign up with my name written on it and i immediately walked over to him.

"Katie right?" asked the gentleman and i nodded giving him a small smile and he nodded,immediately helping me with my bags and placing it inside the trunk.I got inside the car and just closed my eyes,trying to process everything that has happened.

I don't even know what to do to stop me from overthinking too much,my mind was fucked at this point.How do i tell Lou? Or the Crew? What would Jeff say? I'm not prepared for any of what's about to come. I'm not even done grieving for my mom.. this was just all too much.Anne had booked a baby's appointment for me in a few weeks time and i have to tell Harry as soon as possible,but i doubt that he would even follow me for the appointment.

After a half an hour later ,i got up and realised that we had already reached.I thanked the driver and took my bags from the back,walking towards venue and i couldn't help but noticed that there were some fans already camping out and they had noticed me.I really didn't feel like having any sort of human interaction except just being with Harry alone and  having him by my side but i don't want to seem rude so i slowly walked over to them and they all gasped and got ready their phones, "Hi-oh my gosh you look so pretty!" complimented the teenage girl and the rest nodding their heads at the statement and i blushed.

"Thank you,i had to cake concealer all over my face just to hide the fact that i haven't been sleeping well." I said to them appearing it to be as a joke but deep down it wasn't,i really couldn't sleep well at all ever since i got the news.

The five girls laughed,"What do you usually do at this time? I mean since you're Harry's stylist and it's still early." Asked another girl with the strawberry blonde hair and i bit my lip nervously.

Should they even be asking these questions?

"Well i usually help the other girls with their outfits as well,i don't only work with Harry.I help out with Mitch and Adam too." I replied softly and they nodded listening to me and then one of them smirked at me.

"How did you go from being his stylist to being his girlfriend?"One girl asked and my eyes went wide at her question.

did she seriously just ask me that?

"I mean he got over Camille so quick,you must be something then huh ?"added the girl as she stood closer to me,her arms crossing across her chest and i just stood there.

I felt like so ashamed,just hearing her say that.
I didn't know they would be so rude.. i just wanted to be nice to them and now i have to deal with this.

"What's wrong? You got all the money in the world right now huh..must be nice to also go back home for a good fuck with the hottest and most richest dude in the world." She said to me with a smirk on her face and i just stared at her with my mouth parted in shock.

There was no way that she had just said that.That was so fucking rude.No one has ever spoken to me that way and to hear her say something like that to my face made me feel ten times worst than i already do,i couldn't say a thing at all.

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