Chapter 2

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Marlon walked us to our dorm. AJ ran inside while Marlon talked to me outside. "This is where you and the kid will be staying. Make yourself comfy, you have a long day tomorrow." I nodded my head and walked into the room. I placed my hat on the bedside table. And looked around for AJ. He was drawing. I hadn't seen him draw in a long time.

"Whatcha doing there goofball?" He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm drawing like Tenn. He's really good. But I'll never be able to draw like him."

"Don't say that AJ. You just have to practice. Practice makes perfect."

He repeated what I said. "Practice... Makes... Perfect. I'm gonna practice every day. I'm gonna be a drawer."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "The word is artist AJ. You're going to be an artist."

"An artist then." He paused for a bit as I went to go claim my bed. The one on the left. "Clem?" He asked.


"What's a boyfriend? I heard Louis ask you during the game. I thought I was your boyfriend... Because I'm a boy and I'm your friend right. So were you talking about me when you answered the question?"

I was shocked by the question. Of course, he doesn't know what a boyfriend is. He hardly ever lived around people to understand what it was. Man, hardly I knew exactly what it was.

"Well, a boyfriend and boy friend are different things," I started. "A boyfriend is someone you're in a relationship with. You know like, romantically" he looked at me strangely.


"Romantically" I corrected him. "It means that your kissing and hugging a lot. You have feelings for the person. You love them, but not in a family matter."

"Oh ok. You kiss me sometimes. And I thought you loved me."

"On the lips AJ." He looked disgusted.

"Ew, that's gross. What if you get food in the other person's mouth?" He made a barfing noise and motion.

"That won't happen."

He shrugged and kept drawing.

"All done." He said with a smile. He showed me the picture and waved it in my face playfully. I read it and it said, 'me proteckting Clem." I smiled and observed the picture. It was a girl with a hat and one ponytail— probably me— and the other person had an afro and a gun. My smile then disappeared. I hated how he knew what a gun was, how he knew how to shoot one and how he thought he needed to protect me with it. No kid deserves to live that way.

"Well, I think this masterpiece deserves to be hung up on the wall." I quickly grabbed some tags I found on the shelves next to us. "Perfect," I said as I hung it up.

"Time to go to bed goofball." I sat on his bed and tapped it slightly, signaling for him to come sit with me.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door that startled both me and AJ. I walked to the door slowly, still not completely trusting this place. To my surprise it was Louis. I got the feeling in my stomach again. But his time it was combined with my face heating up. "Hey, Clem. Hey little man."

"Hi Louis, I'm an artist now," AJ said as he waved at the dread head.

"Well it's great to have some more creative hands on deck, you know besides myself." He winked at AJ but all AJ could do was laugh.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked as I leaned against the side table.

He giggled and shrugged his shoulders. "I thought I'd see how our new members are settling into the school."

"Well, we're settling in just fine." I said defensively.

"I also wanted to get Tenn's box. It has all types of colors and crayons in it. You've seen it?"

"It's over there," I pointed. "AJ used some of them. I hope you don't mind."

"No it's fine," he stared at me, "really. It's always great to have a little fun once in a while in a time of absolute terror. Especially when it has to do with someone so cute." I was dumbfounded. He noticed my silence. "I... Er... Meant AJ." He nervously laughed. Sure he did. "And just for having so much fun, I welcome you into 'Team fun,' where you laugh all day and do nothing but sleep all night."

"Team fun?" Asked AJ. He was as confused as I was.

"Yep, Team Fun and your membership has just been accepted."

"But what about everyone else," I insisted. "We need to work together as a team if we want to survive."

"Yeah I guess but I like to think of survival as a day-to-day task."

I shrugged. "I can see that."

"Of course you can! You're in team fun!" I rolled my eyes playfully and went over to sit next to AJ who was rubbing his eyes.

"It's getting late," Louis said as he rubbed his neck. It seemed like a nervous tick to me "I should probably head back... And thanks for joining Team Fun, it's a working process." He nodded at me. I smiled. "Night little man," he said giving him finger guns. AJ picked the move up.

"Night... Big Louis." I almost laughed as AJ gave his fingers guns back.

"Uh AJ... Don't call him that . . . Ever again."

Louis nervously laughed again. "Night Clementine." He said it softly."

"Night Louis." Louis walked out with the box and went over to AJ.

"Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the walkers bite and if they try?"

"I never let them bite." He said seriously.

"AJ finish it correctly."

"BANG!" He said yawning. He cuddled up in his bed and drifted off to sleep. "I love you, Clem."

"Love you too goofball." I kissed him on his forehead and laid on my bed, drifting off to sleep along with him.

Sorry, this didn't have as much Clouis action but there will be next chapter. I just thought the concept of AJ asking Clem what a boyfriend was cool and something he would do.

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