Chapter 6

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*trigger warning for attempted sa

Clem POV

I looked over my shoulder to the three men, trying not to show them my fear. I looked down at Louis who was still unconscious on the floor. "We don't want any trouble," I said, my arms still raised to the sides of my head. "We were just trying to get back to our base."

"And where is that?" asked one of the men. He had a long beard. He pressed the gun closer to my head and stayed there.

I looked over to AJ who was being held tightly by one of the men by his arm. Their grips were strong. One of the men, this one a bit plumper, walked in front of me, tracing me up and down. He was chewing something. "Looks like we got ourselves a pretty catch boys." He said nodding toward the other two group members. He continued chewing on the grass in his mouth. "Sorry, we ruined your little 'date' with your boyfriend here." He slightly pushed Louis with his foot. "Doesn't seem like he'll be doing anything useful for a while." He spits out the grass in his mouth onto the ground next to him. And smirked at me. "But we can."

"What?" I asked confused. He snapped his fingers and instructed the men holding the gun to my back to put my hands behind me. "Eugene put her against the ground." He did as he was instructed. He forcefully tackled me to the ground, my arms still behind my back. I struggled against his grasp, looking around for anything that could help me out. Who were these creeps? I looked over to AJ who was still being held by the other man. He looked disgusted.

"Now, I don't want to kill you, but if your not gonna cooperate, it would make this whole thing a lot easier." He was now pointing the gun to me.

"You guys... Are sick." I panted as I was trying to squirm to get out of their grasp, but he was too strong.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." He started to get down beside me. "You know before this whole thing started, before these broken-boners started showing up, I was in prison." I was still squirming. He got on top me. Eugene was holding my hands beside my head now.

He continued talking. "No response? Smart. I had been there for 3 years, out of a 112-year sentence. You know why?"

"For being a disgusting asshole," I replied sharply. My voice was now shaking. I can't get scared, not now.

"You could call it that." He started to kiss on my neck.

No, no, no, no, no. I've survived too much to just let some fucking creep do this to me now.
I tried screaming out for help. "AJ, please, Louis!" I started panting even more.

The man rolled his eyes. "I told you to shut the fuck up kid." Eugene covered my mouth, but that didn't stop me from squeaking under his hand. I bit his hand hard.

"Clem!" AJ cried. He hated seeing me in such a vulnerable state. "Louis!"

Louis' POV

My eyes slowly opened. Jeez, what hit me? The last thing I remember, Clem and I were... Clem?

I sat up slowly. Looking around. My hearing started to come back as well. "Louis, Louis!" AJ was yelling my name. "Hmm, hmm." Someone was mumbling.

I sat all the way up and looked around to see Clem, being held down by two men and one of them was... kissing her neck. What the fuck?

How long had I been out?

"Louis!" I heard AJ shout in joy. I stood up and lunged toward the man that was holding her hand's down and covering her mouth.

"Louis!" She said in joy.

The man that was on top of her looked at me with annoyance, rolling his eyes. "Oh, my fucking shit! Can, Eugene knock a fucking a teenager out?"

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