Chapter 4

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Clem's POV

Vi, Brody and I headed back to the school. We had gotten a pretty good supply of fish. I regretted not taking AJ with me. He hates it when I'm not with him. Yesterday, he bit a girl for sneaking up behind him. I hated his trauma, a doctor I met called it.
I walked through the gates but was abruptly stopped by two hands wrapping around my legs. It was AJ of course.

"Clem!" He said grasping my legs tighter. I hugged him back.

"Hey goofball. I told you I was gonna come back." I said as I started to scan his body for any injuries. I always did this whenever I left him. "What did you do while I was gone?" I asked, my hands on my hips and smiling at him.

"Well Tenn and I were drawing, you know being artist," I rolled my eyes. AJ always repeated the new words he learned. "and I was practicing really hard. Practice makes..."

"Perfect." I finished for him.

"Yeah, perfect." I chuckled. It was good to know that he was taking in the things I taught him.

"That's right, AJ." said a raspy voice behind me. I turned to see Louis behind me smiling.

"Oh hey, Louis." AJ said cheerfully. Louis really seemed to lighten him up.

"Oh... Hey Louis." I said awkwardly. He definitely surprised me.

"Hey Clem." He peered down at me. "You're not dead, thats good."

"Yeah, not yet anyway and hopefully not soon." We walked into the school together.

"Hey can I show you something?" He asked as he took my hand and led me to the piano room, the same room I had met him in.

I was getting a bit nervous from him grabbing my hand. They had calluses and blisters all over them. "Uh sure... I guess. You already have my hand." He looked down to see that he did and I could see the nervousness in his eyes but he continued to take me into the room. He sat me down.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he scooted me over and sat next to me. I was starting to get a bit annoyed and he could see that.

"What?" He said nudging my shoulder. "Never been in a musicians seat before? Don't worry its quite comfy." He hopped up and down the seat, reassuring me that it was 'comfy.'

"You're such a dork. And musician really? I've only heard you play once. You're gonna have to prove yourself."

He laughed and looked at me for a while.

"What?" I asked feeling kind of uncomfortable.

"Oh nothing, just admiring your nose." I was taken back by this a bit.

"My... Nose?"

"Its a good nose. Does everything a nose should do, smell, breathe the air, properly have the right arch, nostr-"

"Just play the damn song."

"Oh yeah right." He looked down at the keyboard. "Time to prove myself." He started to play a piece I had never heard before. I was expecting it to be oh my darling Clementine, the same song he sung to me the first time we came here. But it wasn't. Instead it was completely different. It sounded nice, relaxing, a bit sad, but homey and it made me relax. I hadn't even realized I had tightened my shoulders. One key was off, but it didn't ruin the song one bit. He finished the song. His hand staying on the last notes he played before sighing.

"Wow." I said, surprised. He looked at me and smiled gently. I blushed realizing how cute he really was.

"I know right." He said. Always joking around.

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