Chapter 17 🕯

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"So. . . want to be my . . . girlfriend.?" Louis asked rubbing the back of his neck, nervous on what her answer would be. He had asked her on the way to the greenhouse. He didn't do anything special, just a piece of paper that he "unexpectedly" pulled from his trench coat pocket.

Clementine stared at him blankly, still occasionally glancing down to the slip of paper he had given her. She had a disgusted look on her face, not believing what she was hearing. "Are you serious?" she asked with a bit of an aggressive tone in her voice.

"Yes?" Louis asked, confused of what was going to be her answer.

"Your such a dumbass." She scolded ripping the piece of paper in half and stepping on it with her boot. A frown appeared on Louis' face as she stomped on it once more.

She scowled at him one last time before taking out her knife from her pocket and stabbing Louis in the head. He collapsed on the floor. "I can't believe him."

She stomped off back to the school.

. . .

Louis raised his head immediately at the awful dream, banging his head on the bunk above him. "Fuck." He yelped, rubbing the top of his head. His breathing was hard from the nightmare that Clem might reject him. She didn't just deserve a piece of paper. She deserved a dinner, the movies, an opera. But unfortunately those weren't in Louis' reach at the moment.

He didn't know why he was stressing about this so much. Maybe because he REALLY liked Clementine. Fuck, maybe he loved her at this point, and he didn't want to screw this up, like he did almost everything else. Marlon was probably right, that his idea was stupid. He had to go big, really big.

Louis didn't know why his mind went to Clem killing him later on in his dream. Maybe it had something to do with her being a pretty violent person, who definitely wasn't afraid to kill anyone, but she would never kill him over such a small thing.

He shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to fall back asleep, making sure not to place his head where he had banged it on the bed above him. It still was stinging. How hard did he hit it?

He tossed and turned, still not getting the image out of his mind, of Clem ripping the paper in half and stomping it down on the ground. You'll be fine Louis. You'll be fine. He thought to himself. He breathed in and out and tried his best to drift back off to sleep

. . .

The next day, things went back to normal. Everyone went hunting and fishing in their designated groups at their designated times. Clementine had helped Violet, Minerva and Gabe with fishing while Louis insisted to stay behind with a few others. He had been really busy today, doing what, she had no idea. He had started acting a bit off yesterday when she had gotten back, asking her out of nowhere if she was cold. There was hardly a breathe picking up so she told him her honest answer, no.

The walk to the fishing grounds were still pretty quiet with Gabe hardly talking but glancing over to Clem at times to admire her face.

Minnie and Violet had been keeping to themselves, but Minnie broke the slight silence between the group. "Man, it sure is good to be back." She said looking at the leaves above them. "I thought I would completely forget what this place looked like when you guys came to rescue me, but I guess you never forget your old home."

"Yeah." Violet agreed. "It really nice how it feels like it was back then." She looked to the floor. "I just wish Sophie was back here too." she added.

"I would've loved to meet her." said Clem. "But I'm really glad to finally call someplace home. You have no idea how long I've been on the road."

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