Chapter 10

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Clementine, Louis, Violet and AJ had finally reached their hunting ground. Violet had her butcher knife in her pocket and bow in hand. Clementine helped Violet scout the area with AJ close behind and Louis... Well Louis was trying his best to not get distracted at every little thing he saw to make a joke about. A very hard thing to do for him. Once the four had seen the parent deer, they all went quiet, hoping not to scare the them.

Violet retreated her bow from her back slowly and carefully, making sure to not ruffle the string of her bow on a clip or button on her jacket. Clem, Louis and AJ crouched behind a tree watching over Violet in caution, in case something went wrong. She lined up the shot and the arrow pierced through the deers heart.

She retrieved the arrow, checking the victim to see if it was dead. It was. She signaled for the other three to help her with the meal but was abruptly stopped by a gun to her back.

"Just give us the deer and I'll let you go. Please I... I don't want to do this.

She raised her hands up instantly in panic. "What the fuck." Violet mumbled.

Clem was about to sneak behind the guy that had the gun. He seemed to be around there age, a bit taller and more meat on his bones. She couldn't get a good glimpse of his face. Louis grabbed Clem's arm in fear. His expression was panic. He didn't want anything to happen to the girl that he really cared about.

She furrowed her brows and released her arm from his grasp and kept sneaking towards the boy as Louis was still panicking silently. She rose suddenly on her toes, grabbed ahold of the boys shoulders and raised a knife to his neck. He dropped the gun immediately. Violet turned around and retrieved her bow from the ground.

"If you cooperate with us, than we won't have to do this." Clem said, slightly mimicking the things the boy had said before.

"Ok, ok, ok. I'll go I'll go. Please let me go. I made a mistake! I made a mistake!" He whisper yelled.
Clem removed the knife from his neck but took the back of his elbows and pinned him to the floor, leaving his hands behind his back.

She heard rapid footsteps behind her which she thought was Louis, but she was wrong.

"Gabe." said a familiar voice. "Get the fuck off of him." He stood in his place. Clem turned around letting her guard down for a second. She was pushed off by the boy onto the floor, now leaving her beneath him.

"Clementine?" Asked the familiar face. She recognized him as he got off of her and lended her a hand she took it and rose to her feet. She stared at him for a while in aw. She recognized him and the man that was with him.

"Gabe? Javi?" She took him in a hug, completely regretting the fact that she had almost slit his throat. Gabe hugged her back. "I can't believe its you. I'm so sorry for, you know, for almost killing you."

She observed him. He had definitely gotten taller from the last time she had seen him but not as tall as Louis. He was about two inches under him.
AJ and Louis revealed themselves from behind the trees. Louis immediately walking over to Clem, remembering that he was the guy that she had mentioned during their mini date.

Gabe looked over to Clem and then Louis but shrugged off the weird behavior. He knew that he still had a major crush on her. I mean who wouldn't? Her curls, the 'D' on her hat complemented her face, the way she was so short and cute but so fierce, her pride and willing to do anything for the people she loved, her golden, hazel eyes, her lips that weren't plump but not small, and her smile was the thing he loved the most about her. She didn't do it often, but when she did, it seemed to light up a ro-

His thoughts about his dream girl were interrupted by a cheerful voice that didn't belong to anyone other than Louis.

"I'm Louis." He started. And approached Javi, looking up to him slightly. "And can I say it is an honor to meet you Javier Garcia. Out of every place I could've met a baseball player, its the forest near my home." He grabbed Javi's hand and shook it with force, smiling the whole way through. "I mean, I don't blame you for doing the whole gambling thing. People get addicted to things but its a good thing that you didn't get addicted to-"

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