Chapter 13

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Clementine woke up in Louis' arms. She was facing the wall and he had his head dug into her shoulder. She was kind of surprised to be waking up in his arms. She was always the one coddling someone else, AJ.

She moved around a bit in her bed escaping Louis' grasp but also trying not to wake him up. He was snoring so loudly all of a sudden that it almost seemed fake. Right as she lifted his hand gently from around her stomach, she felt his tug bringing her back in.

"Mom," he whined. "Five more minutes." He chuckled in between his words.

"Nope, prince charming," She stood up from the bed and put her hands upon her hips, "We've gotta get up right now and check these plans." She walked over to the map that she had placed on her desk the night before and unfolded it.

"According to Marlon, this 'Delta' is a boat surprisingly its not far from here. But it doesn't stay there. It moves to a camp farther west. We have to get there before it boards off again. It seems like they come back every year." Clem paced her room with the map in her hands with Louis still sitting on the bed trying to process everything she was saying.

He loved when she was so demanding which, lucky for him, was almost always.

"What?" She asked, stoping her pace as she realized he was staring at her. "Admiring my nose again?" She chuckled at the thought.

Louis snapped out of his gaze. He noticed that she didn't have her hat on and glanced over to the side table. He picked up her hat and placed it on his head.

"Hey." She screeched. She lunged for her hat, to receive it from his head. He swiftly took it off his head and raised it to the ceiling. He chuckled as Clementine jumped as high as she could for her it. She was so short compared to him that it made him laugh out loud.

"Ah, the advantages of being a tall teen boy." He continued to hold it above his head.

"Give... it... back." She said at every jump. She had had enough and lunged him to the ground. "I warned you." She said getting on top of him. She reached his hand that was stretching as far as it could to get away from the golden eyed girl.

"Okay, Clem, calm down." He said giggling through his words.

Suddenly they heard the door creak open. Seriously do people not knock? "Lou?" Said a worried Marlon, before he opened the door. Marlon walked all the way into the room and his eyes widened. "Oh, jesus." He said covering his eyes. He thought they were doing something that Clem never saw herself doing.

"I didn't realize that you guys were moving on so fast. I'll go, I'll go." He slowly walked out the door.
Louis shook his head and placed his palm to his head.

"Man, no." Louis finally placed Clem's hat on her head and Clem quickly got off of Louis. She brushed herself off and tried to hide her red face by going back to the desk beside them and looking at the plans.

Louis walked over to Marlon and took him outside. "Does anyone not know how to knock in this school?" They do, but it makes for a good plot. Sorry Louis.

"I'm really sorry, Lou." He tried to not make eye contact with Louis. "If I would've known that you and Clem were-"

"Marlon, no." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We weren't doing... that. I just took her hat and she tried to get it back."

"Oh, I kind of wanted you guys to be— never mind." He sighed and placed his hands on his hips. "I really thought Lou was getting-"

"Shut up. We need to focus on rescuing the twins. And you need to focus because your the only one who knows where to go."

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