Chapter 18

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Clem woke up in Louis' arms, looking over at the freckled boy who was soundly asleep letting slight snores escape. She still couldn't believe that last night had happened. The dinner, the candlelight, the trickery of the two boys. Her and Louis were now... A couple, her boyfriend. Something that Clem would've never thought she would get in times like this. She could finally relax after the many years of being on the road, with the people she most loved.

Love? Did she love Louis? What did love even really feel like. She's only known him a short while but it's felt like she's known him her whole life.

She smiled and started to play with one of his dreads that were now a bit frizzy from bed-head. How did he ever have time to maintain such a sophisticated hair style. Clem had a few curls and could hardly get them to lay right.

She stopped toying with Louis' dreads when she saw his eyes flutter a bit, slightly opening shortly after. "Good morning, beautiful." He said, his voice a bit croaky from the morning.

Clem was taken aback by his words. "Beautiful? Really? Is anyone ever beautiful in the morning?"

"You are." He responded. He smirked, cheekily and wiggled his eyebrows in a playful manner.

"Oh my god. Do you ever stop flirting?"

He chuckled. "I think you know the answer to that." He tightened his grasp around her and leaned in for a kiss but Clem sat up from the bed, leaving Louis to kiss the thin air.

"Hey." He said rolling on his back, looking disappointed.

She shook her head and walked over to AJ's bed to see her goofball still fast asleep. "Leave him. Kid needs some rest. He was up pretty late last night." Louis intervened, now sitting up on the bed.

"Yeah I guess your right." She smirked. "I wonder who's fault that is." She placed her hands on her hips.

He shrugged.

When AJ finally woke up, the three walked out to the courtyard to find the group all gathered around Ruby, who was making an announcement. The three joined the huddle.

"I was thinking, that since we probably all smell like shit, that we take a little dip in the lake in the back of the school. I figured we could all use a little swim." She paused. "To take off the ease off of Mitch's death." Ever since Mitch had died, Willy still hadn't talked to Louis or Clem. He still believed that it was somehow their fault that Mitch had been killed.

Everyone nodded at her request. "I can't remember the last time I actually went for a swim... for fun." chimed in Clem.

"I would have never known." Louis flirted, a wink following up with his response. Clem flushed a bit, gaining attention by Gabe who looked away from the two. Fuck off Gabe. And quickly turned his attention back to Ruby.

"Just be careful. No matter how much fun we want to have, we still have to remember that there are still man eating monsters out there. You all can start when you're ready."

Everyone nodded and dispersed back to the activities that they were doing before, with some already making their way to the back of the school.
Louis, Clem and AJ were one of the people that headed to the back, along with Minerva and Violet. They all sat on the side of the lake, with their feet in the water.

"So what now." AJ asked, splashing his feet in the water.

Clem wanted to know the same thing. They're not gonna take their clothes off, are they? "Do we just swim with our clothes on?" She asked the other three.

Minnie snickered. "Clem, are you dumb?" Clem scowled at her. "Just swim in underwear. It's not that hard." She stood up and started taking her shirt off.

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