Chapter 7

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Clem POV

"Jesus, where were you guys?" Violet said as Louis, AJ and I entered the school courtyard through the gate. Violet looked down to Louis' shoulder. "What the fuck Louis!"

Aasim, who had made it back to the school. "Jeez, I leave you two for one minute and Louis gets a cut? What exactly happened?"

I shrugged and looked down to the ground. "We got attacked by these three creeps. They knocked Louis out and had me at gun point." I was silent for a moment.. "Louis went to save me but one of them stabbed him." I placed a hand on his shoulder.
Brody butted through the crowd. "Where are they now, did they follow you?!" She looked around panicking.

"We shot one of them, stomped another's head in, and believe me, the other guy isn't going to be walking for a while."

"They could've had a bigger group and what if they come back and attack the school. We'll all be dead! Why would you do something like that." She was getting extremely close to my face.

"If I hadn't done what I did, they would've killed us. I made the right call."

"Bullshit! You don't know what people are capable of out there."

"Oh, I'm sure I know more than anybody else at this school."

She scowled at me. "I just, I can't, I won't." She walked away from me for a second with her hand to her forehead, worrisome. "If anything happens I'm holding YOU responsible."

Marlon finally walked over, glancing over at Brody, while she passed him with her head hanging low.

"What's going on out here." He glanced over to Louis and then me. "Good to see you guys made it back in one piece. I was starting to get worried." I decided not to tell anyone about what had happened.

"Yeah, we're fine, just met up with some asshats, on the way back," Louis said. I glanced over him and shook my head, signaling for him to not tell Marlon anymore. The thing I didn't want to forget about was the few kisses we shared. I started to slightly blush just thinking about it.

How did I feel about Louis' and I's moment in the woods? I told myself that I would focus on AJ. But Louis made me feel a way I hadn't experienced before. I should probably call off whatever this is
"Well, you guys are just in time for lunch."

"Lunch?" I can't remember the last time I had 'lunch.' There was hardly any food around to have lunch anymore.

"You guys have time for that?" I asked.

"Well you know what they say, 'two meals a day, keep the walkers away.'" Louis said, grinning ear to ear.

"I've never heard anyone say that before," I said
chuckling. "I remember it going 'an apple a day a day keeps the doctor away.'" We walked over to the table, AJ following behind us.

"Well, there are no apples and no doctors." He glanced over to the redhead sitting on the bench with Aasim. "Well except for Ruby."

"Speaking of doctors, you still need that to get stitched up," I said pointing to his stab wound on his shoulder. It had stopped bleeding, but the wound was still open.

He shrugged and sighed. "I'm gonna need to have some of Omar's stew before I can get the courage to let you stitch me up. I don't even know how good you are." He smirked at her. "You could easily botch my arm."

"Botch? Louis this isn't plastic surgery."

"What? I wanted an extra muscle. Plus, I've only known you for a few days." He chuckled at his remark.

"But you can kiss me." I noticed what I said right as it came out of my mouth. My face started heating up. I glanced over to him, he was as well. "We should talk about that," I said awkwardly, fiddling with my thumbs.

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