Chapter 3

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Louis' POV

I got up that morning expecting to go hunting with Clementine. I like her... a lot. I've like other girls before, before the outbreak but she was different. Kind-hearted, super cute, a badass. Everything I wanted in a girl... I think. Maybe I should just let my feelings go. She would never like someone like me. Jeez, maybe she's never even liked anyone. I shook myself out of the state and headed out the door.

Aasim, Clem and I were supposed to go hunting today. Instead, Marlon was there and Clem was chatting with Violet. Seemed like they had gotten closer than yesterday. Hopefully not to close. Maybe Clem liked girls for all I knew.

Marlon, Aasim and I headed out into the forest, but not past the safe zone. Every time we went out there something bad happened including Sophie and Minnie dying or maybe just disappearing. There were no bodies, so Marlon could be lying. But he would never lie to me. Right?

We walked in silence for a while until Marlon broke the silence. "So you and Clem are getting close, huh Louis?" Marlon asks smirking. I was so surprised by the question.

"Wha-what? What did you say, Marlon." I nervously laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"You know exactly what I mean Lou."

Aasim was chiming in now. "Come on Louis, even I know that you like her. Don't try and deny it."

"What, how can you tell?" Was I making it obvious? Of course, I threw flirts out then and there. . . Shit! Last night I asked if she had a boyfriend. Definitely not a good idea.

"Uh, let's see," Marlon started tapping on his chin with one hand and another on his bow, "The way you look at her. You're always smiling, you slightly stutter whenever she's around, oh yeah, YOU ASKED HER IF SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND yesterday, you told me you thought she was pretty cool, oh and you went to go 'check on her' in the dorms last night."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "What, I can't go check on our new friends to see how they're settling in? And I just wanted to know about her past relationships... Perfectly valid question."

"You weren't checking on her, you were checking her out." Marlon said. They had too much on me so I had to just admit it.

"Fine, you caught me red-handed," I said as I rose my hands in surrender. "I mean what's not to like about Clem? She's interesting, a badass, did u see the way she killed those walkers yesterday?" I sighed just remembering how she stabbed them right in the skull. So charming. "She's pretty, I mean like REALLY pretty. I mean really, really-" I was cut off by Aasim.

"Stop telling US about how great she is and tell her yourself. I'm getting tired hearing about this bullshit already." Aasim went back to his depressed and angry state. Sometimes I wish he'd just lighten up, enjoy the moment. I know there are walkers everywhere but that's not an excuse to be depressed all the time. I noticed that Clem could use the same talk.

"And there goes Aasim. Being depressed again." I said in a disheartening voice.

"Well excuse for trying to get food for the group and not obsessing over a girl I just met, unlike someone here."

"You know wh-"

"ENOUGH!" Marlon yelled. Aasim and I stared at each other intensely. He gave me an annoyed look with his mouth on one side of his face and I smirking trying not to let out a laugh. Who doesn't love making people annoyed, am I right? "Let's just get some rabbits, check the traps and head out." Marlon looked over at me and took his bow out. "And then you can return to your precious orange"

"Clementine." I corrected him. I keep forgetting her name means orange. I got my trusty Chair leg out, Chairles I called it, and headed towards the bushes.

Clem's POV

I decided to go with Violet. Sure I wanted to go help Louis and Aasim but I felt like I've been hunting for four years straight before I came here. I wanted a change. I walked with Brody and Violet. I noticed the negative energy between the two. I broke the silence.

"So do you guys go fishing every day or just a few times a week," I asked awkwardly.

"Well we go hunting and fishing every day but we change the groups up. So tomorrow I could be going with Louis, the asshole, and Ruby, or some weird fucked up combination like that." I shrugged.

"Why would it be fucked up? I mean both of them seem pretty cool." Who doesn't like Louis? Sure he can be a bit lazy at times but you need someone to lighten you up at a time like this.

She shrugged and glared at me annoyed about what I said with Louis. "You're falling right into his trap you know." She said walking slowly.

"Excuse me." I insisted

"Your falling right into Louis' trap. He seems all nice right now cracking jokes, but sometimes he can be a real dick. He lets his feelings get to him and that's not healthy at times like this. He does it towards you, you know." She looked at me concerned.

"Maybe he's just a guy that cares about people, wants to brighten things up."

"Whatever Clem." She walked faster. I tried to keep up with her.

"What do you mean, he does it to me?" I said trying to keep up. I was slightly panting, she was walking so fast.

"Are you serious?" She raised her voice a bit. "Have you not noticed Clem? The way he talks to you. The extra corny jokes. He gave AJ his dinner yesterday. He was obviously hungry. And have you ever seen him frown?"

"Yeah, when he was talking about his parents."

"Well, that was a one-time thing. We all get sad talking about our parents." She looked towards the ground but continued. "But besides that, he's always smiling. Near you, he smiles the most." I shrugged my shoulders and looked down to the floor. This was good news, right? No, it wasn't. I have to focus on AJ. He's my only priority, especially in a cruel world like this. This is not the time for romance. No time for a relationship.

She noticed my silence. "What I'm trying to say is, he likes you... and I can tell cause I've been there." She stopped talking for a moment. "With someone."

I became curious. "What happened to him?"

"Her." She corrected me. "Minerva, Tenn's sister. We were a close... Me and her."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine. I keep telling myself that she's gone but I always have this feeling that she's still out there." She sighed. "I'm being ridiculous."

"No, you're not its good to have hope that the people you loved are still out there. I've lost a lot of people. Lee, Kenny, Luke, Jane. They all were there. And now they're gone."

We both were silent for a while until Violet broke the silence with a smile on her face. "I guess this is why you need people like Louis around to lighten the mood. We'd all just be depressed without him." We both chuckled.

"What have you guys been talking about this whole time?" The auburn haired girl I saw yesterday asked. Her name was Brody. "All I've heard is chit chat."

"Wouldn't you like to know," Violet said harshly.

"Whatever just wanted to tell you guys that we're here." We had finally reached the fishing spot and cabin. "I'll go check our traps and see if anything was caught. You two go catch some fish. I'll meet you guys in a few." Brody walked off near the cabin.
Violet and I walked toward the river and started to get our fish on.

Ok, I know the end is pretty cringe. I'm not proud of this chapter AT ALL but hopefully, I'll come up with some more ideas and not make everything so mushy and simple.

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