Chapter 11

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*You may get triggered reading this. I WARNED YOU*

Gabe had been in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Javier seemed to notice and had a pretty good idea of why his nephew was so down. Dinner had been alright though. He talked to Clem, glared annoyingly at Louis, played footsie with Clem, came close to spilling Louis' stew on the ground, and started to make friends with Aasim. He tried to flirt with Clem as best as he knew how to, but the conversation always seemed to get a bit more awkward then it was intended to and he could see Louis always move in his seat.

The night seemed to pass by and everyone headed to bed. Marlon showed Javi and Gabe their rooms, an old room that no one had ever bunked in, even before the outbreak.

Gabe placed his things down on the left bed. He sat there looking at the floor and replaying the kiss that he saw Clem share with another guy. He knew he shouldn't be caring about a girl when there were man eating muertos outside of the school walls, but how could he stop thinking  about the girl that he had continuously been thinking about for 3 years, ever since she'd left to go find AJ.

He continued to look down to the floor but his uncle interrupted his thoughts by sitting beside him and offering his remorse.

"Whats up buddy?" Javi said. "You've been down ever since the game." He started to rub his back.

Gabe escaped the grasp of his hands and moved further away from him on the bed. "I'm fine, Javi. I can handle myself. I'm not a little kid anymore."

Javi chuckled to himself and scooted over to Gabe again. "I would like to believe that, but you haven't really proven yourself. Now Clem-"

"Can you not talk about her." Gabe said, scooting further over on the bed, almost falling off at this point.

Javi smirked at the remark and scooted over to his nephew one last time. "Oh so that's what this is about. Clementine? You've still got a crush on her." He chuckled to himself again. "After all these years Gabe? Really?"

Gabe scooted over again but then fell off the bed, landing on his hands and knees, but quickly got back up and tried to play it off as nothing had happened. He walked over to the door, further away from Javier. "What?" He said, defensively. "What's not to like about her?"

Javi shrugged his shoulders, walked over to Gabe and patted him on his back. "You both have my blessing."

Gabe snickered. "She already gotten a blessing... with someone else." His head went back down to the floor.

"Oh." Javi realized. "Louis?" He asked.

"Yeah. Louis."

"I'm sorry bud, but sometimes things like this happen. You could always make a move, just don't go kissing her or anything too crazy."

Gabe's shoulders slumped. "Has anything like this ever happen to you?"

Javi scoffed his lips. "Too many times." He smirked. "But I always won them back with my charm." They both laughed and Gabe nudged Javi's shoulder playfully. "I think it's time to get some sleep and stop talking about girls." Javi said.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." They each got in their separate beds and tried to sleep.

"Hey, Javi?"


"Do you at least think I have a chance?" He stuttered his words a bit, worried about his answer. No, Gabe. You don't stand a chance.

"Sure, bud."

"I mean, I saw them kiss today. Kiss! I don't think tha-"

"Gabe, just go to sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning." He was getting annoyed now. Javi rolled over towards the wall and dozed off.

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