Chapter 15

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Louis sat on the picnic tables outside the school with his face in his hands, contemplating on what he had let happen, what he should've done, how he had probably gotten the love of his life killed.

He held back tears as the thoughts soared through his mind. Guilt, sorrow, anger, vengeance. Maybe if he had turned back when they started to run, she would still be with them, or at least they would still be together.

Louis remembered the remarks of everyone when they realized Clementine and Mitch were gone. And how awful the news was that Mitch had been stabbed in the neck by one of the guards.

. . .

"We have, Marlon, Gabe, Louis," Violet was checking if everyone had made it. And they had retreated back to the woods. "Mitch is... gone. Minerva," she glanced over to Minerva and smiled. "Willy, Javi, AJ, Clementine." She looked around for her. "Clementine? Where are you? This isn't funny."

Louis' eyes spread with worry. "Shit!" He said. AJ looked around rapidly. Gabe's face grew pale. "Where is she?" Gabe asked, staring directly at Louis. "I thought she was with you?"

Louis clenched his fist. If Beanie bitch, hadn't pushed him into the cell, then none of this would have happened. Now Clem was gone. "We have to go back for her!" Louis, protested. "We just can't leave her." Louis felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Minerva's.

"Yeah we can't." She said. "She risked her life for me, a person she's never met, because I was important to the people she cared about. And I'll do the same." She straightened her posture. "I'm with Louis."

"No!" Said a voice from behind them, that seemed to he holding back tears. "Weren't not going back. If Clem hadn't come up with this stupid plan to go get the twins. Mitch would still be here." Everyone turned around to face Willy. "We're not going to lose more people to someone that doesn't even matter. We've only known her for a month." There were a few time skips. Just go with it.

Violet rolled her eyes. "But in that month, she's done more for us than Marlon has ever done. And she's important to Louis. We're going back. And that's final."

"And when did you start making the calls?" Willy fired back.

"When no one else stepped the fuck up." She walked in front of the whole group. "We're going to leave tomorrow night."

"No!" Minerva interrupted. She held her arm and her green eyes traced over the crowd. "We need to leave as soon as the sun rises. These people don't play games. Believe me. They've probably tortured her enough for sneaking onto the boat and they'll cut of a limb tomorrow if she doesn't cooperate." Minerva shook her head and placed her hands on her hips. "And by my first impression of her, she seems like the stubborn type."

"Yeah, she is." Louis said, panting from stress. He felt someone tug on his trench coat. It was AJ of course.

"Louis?" He asked. "Is Clem gonna be okay?" Louis looked down to AJ in sympathy. He kneeled down.

"Of course she is, little dude. She's the toughest person we know."

"Yeah she is." Before Louis could say anything back to AJ's remark, he felt two arms wrap around him. AJ had enclosed him in a hug. Louis returned the gesture wrapping his arms around AJ as well.

. . .

Clementine woke up in the bed of her cell. She lifted her head up, expecting to see her dorm room back at the school, but instead she saw a rusting wall of metal with her backpack at the corner of the wall. She remembered all of the following events that happened the night before. The rescue, her getting captured, the kick to the ribs, finding Louis in the cell. It was Gabe. She thought. This was all because of his jealousy. He went so far as to put someone else in danger.

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