Chapter 28

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Clem sighed in frustration as her restrictions were added on, more and more. "I swear if they fucking touch him I'll—"

"STEP BACK, GIRLIE!" yelled Tony, spitting in her face. "That boy will get hurt if you take another fucking step." She rolled her eyes stepping back. Just because you use the word fuck, doesn't mean you're tough.

Clem complied, she didn't want to make it worse for AJ just because she was being difficult. She let out a little growl before turning around and heading back to her station, Louis following close behind and joining her by her side.

"He's gonna be fine Clem. You know he will. He's a tough little guy."

Clem sighed, crossing her arms and turning to face Louis. "I-I know but... there's always a possibility that—"

"I know you're worried, fuck I'm worried to too, but you've gotta think positive. Just breath in and out." She did as he said, her eyes closed trying her best to take her mind off of the situation. She was interrupted by two strong arms wrapping around her torso and enclosing her in a hug. Louis rested his head on hers. Clem's shoulders relaxed, now feeling safe in her boyfriend's arms. She returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around him as well. And for the first time today, she felt a smile creep on her face.

Sadly the moment was ended by a loud yell from the one and only Tony. "Stop with the sentimental mushy shit and get your asses back to work! Don't let me tell you again or you'll see the back of my rifle!"

Clem subconsciously rolled her eyes, then breaking apart the embrace and being let back into her crappy realization.

"And I think that's our cue," Louis says, looking down at the girl. She shook her head smiling back at him. He closed his eyes and made a puckered face, expecting more affection.

She giggled and shook her head walking past him. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath.

They joined Aaron at a new area that somewhat resembled a gym. There were punching bags, pull-up bars, and light blue mats, all scattered across the room. It was the same place where Ruby was smacked and where AJ was taken.

Though Louis had reassured Clem that everything would be fine and AJ was okay, she still couldn't get the feeling off of her that.... something wrong was going to happen. She had to get to him.

Aaron crossed his arms when seeing their arrival. He then gave the couple the instructions to the area and the requirements. Of course, Clementine wasn't listening. She was trying to plan an escape from this dreadful building. The rules weren't that important anyway, considering she wasn't going to be here much longer.

"Got it?" Aaron asked, still an annoyed and aggressive attitude. Louis hummed in response. They both looked over to Clem who still hadn't responded and was scanning the room.

"Clementine?" Aaron asked, then snapping the girl out of her trance.

Her eyes widened when she realized she had completely spaced out. "Oh, um... y-yeah. Sounds good." She sent a slight smile Aaron's way, though it took everything in her willpower to do so.

Clem followed Louis to one of the punching bags, then whispering in his ear. "I need you to be a distraction. I'm getting AJ."

"What? Clem, no... How're you even going to get out of here?"

"I don't know, I'll sneak across the back."

"You'll get in so much trouble what if—"

"Louis, please, I have to get AJ back. I have this awful feeling." She looked deep into his eyes, hoping he gave in.

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