Chapter 22

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So sorry for the wait on the chapter. I've been super busy once again. And I didn't have much inspiration. Anyway, enough with my boring life, ON TO THE STORY

"What did they do to her." Violet whispered in Clem's ear

"I... I don't know."

Sebastian turned his head, hearing whispering during his announcement. He shook his head when he realized it was Clementine.

"Clementine! Opening you mouth again, I see." Everyone turned to look in the girl's direction. No one ever interrupted Sebastian. "Come up here please."

He motioned with his hands for Clem to join him at the front. She could hear quiet gasped, to his command. She stood up, crossed her arms and walked to the front. Louis, Violet, AJ, Tenn and Marlon exchanged worried glances.

I swear, if he hurts her. Louis thought to himself. Who am I kidding? What can I do? That guy is three times heavier than me.

She continued to walk to the front, feeling the heated stares she got from the other kids. The room was so quiet, the only sound you could here were Clementine's steps on the dirt. She finally reached the front of the canopy, where Sebastian was now off the table and having his hands clenched to his sides.

She turned to face the rest of the kids and Sebastian stood beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you've all heard of Clementine and the trouble she's caused." Clem looked up to him, squinting her eyes for what seemed to be the millionth time in only a few days of encountering each other. "But like I've said before, we must greet her and her friends with open arms. And show them our rules, right and wrong, discipline." The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

He turned his head to look down to Clementine, with a smile on his face.

"How was dinner today Clementine?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Awful, actually. There was something missing." She heard more murmurs in the crowd.

"Oh." He said, raising his eyebrows. "What's that darlin?"

"You sound of you choking on it and dying!" She said, raising her voice. The murmurs of the room immediately stopped when the words came out of her mouth. She saw everyones' eyebrows raise and their eyes widen. Her eyes crossed Louis. He seemed the most frightened with his eyes pacing the room and his mouth clenched tight, almost pursed. The thing that caught her attention the most were his eyes, so full of terror. Terror for her; terror for what was going to be Sebastian's next move.

She was so lost in his chocolate eyes, that she didn't here the loud gasp from everyone in the room when the back of his hand hit the side of her face, making her fall to the floor.

"Clementine!" she heard people in the crowd yell but she didn't have the strength to lift her head to see who it was. Her left cheek started to burn, numb, and become sore all at once. Sebastian looked down to her, eyebrows incredibly furrowed but still a slight smirk on his face.

"You deserve to die." Said a high pitched voice coming from the direction of her table, probably AJ. "We'll kill you."

"Yeah okay, squirt. Unless you want what she just got, I think you should calm down! You too boy." Clem lifted her head and felt her left cheek, pulling her hand away to see a bit of blood on the tips of her fingers. Great, another scar.

Sebastian saw that she was going to stand up again from the blow. He kicked her on her same cheek, making her roll over on her back.

"Clementine," another pair of screams yelled, her eyes closed tightly from the kick. She felt to hands on her shoulder and waste, shaking her gently.

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