Chapter 14

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Louis pulled Clementine closer and closer until... the music suddenly cut off. The pair separated at the sudden halt in music. They looked around the corner to see AJ on the floor next to the record player, that now had the cord disconnected from the wall. Idk how record players work.

"Sorry." AJ said brushing his self off. Louis let go of Clem and walked over to AJ, rustling his hair.

"It's okay little dude. This party needed a change in tone anyway."

Mitch chuckled. "No, you guys can continue." Violet scowled at him.

"I was actually getting tired of the classical. Any other party shit to do?" Violet left the wall and sat in the middle of the floor where the files had recently been.

"Oh, I've got some ideas." Louis said pulling down the coat of his coat and sitting across from Violet. The rest of the bunch did the same.

. . .

For the rest of the day, til night seeped upon the school, the group played 'never have I ever,' two truths and a lie,' and other games that Louis came up with at the top of his mind. Everyone found out some very interesting stuff about each other. Gabe has never slept on the ground, Louis had learned to play the piano from one of the twins, everyone found out that Clem came close to eating a human as well as seeing someone get a crowbar to the face, Javier had lost a bet in gambling on the number 20, Omar had been sent to the school because he had tried to make a wine casserole with all of his parents' alcohol and Marlon freely wanted the haircut atop his head. It was great to see everyone laughing and having a good time before things went to hell.

The rescue party headed out toward the boat. It was a bit harder to navigate in the dark but eventually they made it. A herd of walkers were heading towards the camp so Clem and AJ suggested that they cover themselves in walker guts when it was time.

Clementine grabbed a walker from the crowd and dragged it over to where the bunch was camping til it was the right moment to begin the rescue. "I'll get it ready." AJ said, starting to cut open the boxes.
Louis was hanging around on the side, near a few trees. His hands were perched on his hips and it seemed like he was... talking to himself? Clem went to go check in on him. "Louis, are you okay?"

He faced her, surprised to see her. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine just... thinking about some stuff." He sighed. "It's really happening isn't it?" He questioned.

"Yeah it really is."

"The twins lives are depending on us, depending on me. Your depending on me to..." His words trailed off. He faced her. "What if something happens to you Clem? What if... What if I can't. I don't know. I can't carry that for the rest of my life."

"I wouldn't have asked you to come with me if I didn't believe in you." He tilted his head. "Seriously Louis, I mean it." She sighed. "Just... believe me before you believe yourself. Okay?"

"All right. But I don't know if that's as easy as you think it is." There was silence. "Ok, I'll try. Just what if I get us caught too? All it would take is one little screw up and I screw up ALL the time." He faced the tree, his tone getting a bit more aggressive. "All right Louis, get it together." He glanced over to Clem. "I need you to slap me. Help pull me out of this. Right here." He pointed to his right cheek, ready for the hit.

Clem laughed to herself. She grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss, almost forgetting the amount of people around. She didn't care, as long as she made sure that Louis felt safe and secure. His shoulders,  that were once clenched, relaxed, knowing that the girl that he thought the world of,  was still with him. Is it unhealthy that I didn't even look at any videos to get clarification that the dialogue was right? I've watched the scene so many times.

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