Chapter 34

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Clem woke up on the ground and her head hurt like hell. She half expected to be waking up in one of the beds on the boat but the following events hit her like ten buses. There wasn't a single boat for miles now. Liam and the others had probably made their way miles from here overnight.

Her eyes widened when noticing that she was waking up on the ground and not above AJ, who's hair she used as her pillow.

"AJ?" she quietly mumbled. Clem looked around their small camp, wondering if he decided to move from beneath her and maybe sleep next to Tenn but that wasn't the case. Her heart started to pump.  Maybe he wandered off?

"Louis!" She said in an urgent whisper as she gently shook awake Louis. 

He groaned then slowly leaned off of her shoulder. "What?" he asked, his voice a bit croaky. He fluttered his eyes open, smiling when seeing Clem's beautiful face in front of him. "Good morning beautiful." He smirked.

Clem rolled her eyes. "Louis this is serious. AJ is missing."

His eyes widened when processing her words. He could see Clem breathing heavily. "Wait, what?"

"I-I don't know. H-He was right here last night and now—"

"Clem don't worry we'll find him. But not while we're sitting around." He stood on his feet, then offering a hand to Clem. She grabbed it and stood up as well, brushing herself off.

They headed off to look for AJ, looking around each tree and in every bush. Louis could see Clem holding her arm nervously as they walked, her breathing remained heavy.

He nudged her shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. "You know what I'm wondering?" He asked, a wholesome smile plastered on his face.

She looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"How does the little guy get up so early. My mind is completely blank in the morning."

She scoffed. "Are you sure it's just blank in the morning."

"Honestly, I question that too." She chuckled.
She stopped in her tracks when she heard slight mumbling. "Do you hear that?" she questioned, getting her knife ready.

Louis peered down at the knife. "Do you sleep with that?"

"Every night," she answered blankly.

"Okay then." They started to head in the direction of the sound which increased the closer they got. Clem could have sworn she heard AJ's soft voice.

"You move and I kill you," she heard him say. Her eyes lit up when she saw a small afro from beside a tree. She peered from the tree to see AJ pointing a gun at three men that were in the exact same position.

The men chuckled. "Alright kid, you give us the meat and we won't have to kill you."

Clem looked over to see a huge dear sitting beside AJ. How the hell did he manage to kill that?

AJ rolled his eyes. "I worked hard to get this."

"Yeah okay, kid. There's no way you killed this by yourself. What are you? Five? Six? You got a group?"

"It's just me out here. Alone. And you don't need to know how old I am."

"What do you need this for?"

"Me and my frie—"

"So you do have a group?"

"What? I don't—"

"You're lying through your teeth, kid."

One of them nudged him on the shoulder. "What are you waitin' for Nathan? Just shoot the kid's brain out and let's go."

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