Chapter 37

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Everyone stepped back as Marlon inched closer
"Marlon, did you do this?" Clem asked, shielding AJ?

Marlon raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well... yeah," he shrugged. "I had to get us out of here and the rest of you were asleep." He gave them a small smile before it disappeared, him seeing everyone's expression. "Are you guys... scared of me?"

Violet rolled her eyes. "It's pretty easy to be scared when we find you in a room filled when blood and dead guys."

"It's terrifying in here," Tenn said, looking around.

"It turns out they're—"

"Cannibals," Clem finished for him. "I already figured it out by just looking at this place."

"They wanted to eat us... ALL of us," Marlon said. "That's why he put you guys to sleep."

Aasim cleared his throat. "Let me get this straight. You, Marlon—"

"That's me."

"The guy that traded in the twins—"

Brody rolled her eyes. "Can we not bring that up?"

"Single-handedly fought off these huge guys and tried to save us from getting eaten alive?"

"Yep," he said casually

"Kinda shocked," Louis said shrugging. "But I'm proud of you Mar." He came over and tapped Marlon on the shoulder.

"Well Sisaleene is still in the house and I don't really think she knows that her whole group is dead."

Aasim raised a brow. "Sisa who?"

Clem smirked and shrugged. "For someone trying to eat us, she has a pretty cool name." Everyone looked at her strangely. "What?" she asked crossing her arms. "I think everything is a cool name. I'm named after an orange for God's sake."

"Well then let's go get her," Dawn said. "But Marlon you might want to um...." she pointed to a bit of blood on the side of his face. "get that."

Marlon looked down and wiped it off his face. "Don't want to look like a cannibal myself." Everyone chuckled, grabbed their bags that laid on the side of the shed, wrapped Marlon's hand in some cloth and they snuck to the farmhouse. Clem peeked through the window, to see a young woman with blonde hair sitting on the couch and reading a book. She smiled and let out a faint giggle when getting to a certain part of the story. She genuinely looked joyful. Clem kind of felt bad for ruining her happy moment. But she quickly snapped back into defense mode when looking back at the shed.

"Okay, I'm going to need some of you to block the door and then the rest can go inside with me to take her down."

"Do we really have to kill her?" Louis asked quietly, looking around shyly. "I mean, she doesn't look like she has any weapons on her."

Aasim scoffed. "She wants to eat us! She probably has an AK47 shoved up her ass."

"Ouch," Brody murmured quietly. Honestly can't believe Brody is still alive.

"Graphic much?" Louis said sarcastically.

Aasim and Violet rolled their eyes. "Your face is graphic,"' they said in unison, making them raise a brow at each other.

Louis sighed. "I should've seen that coming."

"So who wants to cover the doors and who wants to go inside?" Clem asked.

They all decided their stations, Marlon, Violet, Minnie, and Dawn going with Clem
and Louis, AJ, Dawn and Aasim covering the front door and Brody, Omar, Tenn and Willy covering the back door.

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