Chapter 25

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Hope you guys cherished the other chapter because that was more of a calm before the storm. This chapter takes a pretty dark turn... HAVE FUN!

"So what I'm hearing is, that you two intruded one of the abandoned buildings, turned on every single control possible—draining our power, and discarded your work for the day?"'

Louis and Clementine had been successfully dragged to Sebastian's office for their "misbehavior." Two guards stood on the wall, watching over them to make sure they didn't do anything wrong. They weren't sure who had turned them in or maybe they had just been absent for to long causing the community to notice. 

Clem shrugged her shoulders at his questions but Louis didn't do the same. "Listen... sir, if you're thinking about hurting anyone, hurt me, okay. I was the one who pulled Clementine into this mess. I was the first one to go into the—"

"Shut up... just shut the fuck up." Sebastian snapped. "Unless you want to make this worse for yourself and this girl, you'll shut your fuckin' mouth."

Louis slowly closed his mouth when he mentioned Clementine. He didn't want to put her in danger more than she already was.

Sebastian turned his direction to Clementine.
"Clementine, I would've thought you would want to avoid angering me for a while, considering the fact that last time you saw the back of my hand."

She rolled her eyes.
Louis growled at the joy in Sebastian's voice when he mentioned hitting her across the face, bringing attention to Sebastian.

"What was that son?!"

Louis scoffed. "Just because she's speaking her opinion, doesn't mean you have to hurt her." Louis looked the other way, shaking his head. "Asshat," he murmured.

"That's it!" yelled Sebastian, slamming his hand on the desk. "Kia! Liam! Go get the supplies."

They immediately nodded their heads and scurried out the door.

Sebastian turned his attention back to the teens sitting at his desk. "You should learn to shut your mouth, Louis. You don't see Clementine opening her's up do you?"

Louis rolled his eyes, leaving Clem to nervously fiddle her thumbs. How could such a perfect moment be ruined so fast. One moment, they're doing funny dances on a stage and the next they're sitting in an office waiting for whatever punishment approached them.

Kia and Liam arrived shortly after with a small box and handed it to Sebastian.

He opened the box slowly to reveal a lighter, some type of opening device, bandages and a long pair of... scissors? This was the weirdest group of supplies that Louis had ever seen. What is he gonna do, cut my dreads? Louis internally rolled his eyes.

"Hold him down." Instantaneously, two other guards from the side of the room tackled Louis to the floor, making him let out a small grunt at the sudden contact to the wooden floor.

"What are you doing? Stop!" Clem yelled. She quickly stood up from her seat but was ordered back down by a gun being pointed at her by Sebastian.

He stood from his seat, taking the supplies with him.

"I told you, to keep your trap shut," Sebastian said, kneeling beside Louis. The soldiers pinned his hands to his side, Liam keeping the gun pointed at Clementine.

Sebastian took the device out along with the pair of scissors. "What the hell are you doing?!" Clem, asked in shear panic.

Sebastian chuckled. "I'm making sure he won't put the community in the future with his constant talking." Clem shook her head at the unclear answer that she was given.

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