Chapter 19

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"Oh no." Minerva murmured under her breath.

"We'll get rid of them don't worry." Clem reassured her, pulling out her bow.

"No Clem, its-"

Before Minnie could finish her statement, Clementine aimed the bow at the intruders. "What do you want?" She asked sternly to the men, still pointing the bow and arrow in their direction.
The other men pointed their guns in Clem's direction. One of the men, who seemed a bit taller than Louis and had a bit of peach fuzz that definitely didn't seem maintained, spoke.

"We were wondering if you folks noticed or maybe heard a explosion the other day." Clem furrowed her eyebrows. Who were these people? How did they know about the explosion? The place the boat was ported was deserted. No one, but the raiders, had been there.

But she kept her cool. "No, we haven't heard anything. Why?" She kept her aggressive tone, pulling the arrow on the bow further back.

The man with the peach fuzz furrowed his eyebrows and scowled upon the girl above him. "I find that very hard to believe, darlin. You're the only camp out here for miles near the boat."

Why did they want to know so badly about the boat. She had killed every one of the raiders on the ship with the bomb. Or so she thought.

She looked through the crowd of men before answering, noticing a familiar face. There lied one of the raiders that had been chasing her the day she escaped. Shit! She thought. This had to be the other people from the main camp with the Delta.

"We didn't hear any explosion so get out before I put this arrow right between your eyes."

The raider that she had seen on the boat stepped forward to the peach fuzzed one and whispered in his ear. "Tough talk, girlie, but Micheal tells me you were the one to blow up the boat. And the shit he told me, it's hard to think that he would be lyin'. You've caused trouble"-

Clem released her bow, intentionally missing and landing right at his feet. "That was your warning. Now you assholes get the fuck out or we'll kill every one of you." She took another arrow from behind her and readied it at the bow.

He laughed and turned back to the three men behind him. He turned back around to look up at Clem. "Ok, girlie if this is how you want things to go, we'll make it your worst nightmare." The four guys started walking towards the gate. Clem aimed for his head but was stopped by Minerva standing in front of her.

"Please, Sebastian, you don't have to do this." Sebastian turned around to the familiar voice. "Ah, Nerva, wonderful to see you again. Guess Lilly didn't discipline you enough but we'll make sure to change that."

They continued to bust down the gates, Javi and Marlon trying their best to keep them out. AJ and Tenn were still inside with Omar and Willy. The others were outside witnessing the horrific event. Minnie turned to face Clem.

"Just do what they say Clem. Please. They'll kill everyone here."

"What, are you crazy? You really want them to take us back to their camp."

"Yes! Because if not we die." Clem shook her head and once again reached for her bow but Minnie was too quick and snatched it from her at the last minute.

"I won't let you get them all killed!" Minnie threw the bow over the look out and made her way down to the ladder. When she got to the bottom she raised her hands in surrender.

Clem watched in awe as Minnie walked in front of the four armed men with definite fear in her eyes. No one joined her just watched in awe like Clem.

Clem snuck down the ladder and tried her best to make her way over to the bow but stopped when she heard the fairly too familiar sound of a loaded gun behind her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you girl, otherwise I'll put a bullet right through your friends' head."

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