Chapter 30

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Clementine's whole world was crumbling below her as AJ's blood spilled out on her hands. His eyes started to close, the pain hitting him like ten buses.

"AJ, listen," she said, holding his head up. "You have to stay with me, okay." Sadly the boy didn't respond and his eyelid started to get more and more heavy and his eyes closed.

"Shit!" Louis said from afar. He sprinted to them, then being stopped by an awful and burning sting in his leg. Minnie had shot him as well. He collapsed onto the ground and grabbing his leg in pain. "Fuck!" He shrieked, then putting as much pressure as he could on his leg.

"STOP!" Clem yelled when seeing her lover in pain.

Violet stepped forward. "Minnie fucking look at what you're doing!"

Minnie spaced her out. "You think you're their family?" she said, loading the gun and pointing it at Clem's head. "You're just something in my way." She separated the space in between Clem and the gun, her forehead pressed against the weapon.

"Then do it already. Shoot me!"

Minnie raised an eyebrow. "You're betting I won't—"

"I don't care! JUST GET IT OVER WITH."

"NO!" Louis said, trying to get over to her the best he could but his leg was stopping him.

Minnie pulled the trigger, then expecting to blow Clem's brains out right there and then. Instead, nothing shot out of the gun. It was jammed. She shook it a few then pointing it back at Clem's head.

Right as she fired the weapon, she was tackled to the floor by the one and only Violet, letting Clem lift herself up, AJ in her arms, and hurry away from Minnie joining the other kids at the boat's entrance.

Violet and Minnie continued to roll around on the floor, Minnie then getting the upper hand and was now over Violet.

"Funny I remember this position in a different light," Violet said, trying to bring comedic value into the situation and hoping to get Minerva back to her regular self. Instead, Minnie gained more anger from her comment and punched Violet on the side of her face. "Hey!" she shouted.

Because of their size difference, Minerva continued to get the upper hand.

"We have to help her!" Clem said to the people around, still holding AJ. Marlon had dragged Louis to the boat where the rest of them were witnessing the fight.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw Minerva reach for her gun that had fallen when Violet had tackled her. She scooted her hand closer and closer to the gun, trying to stay atop of Violet.

"She's gonna grab the gun! We have to do something now!" Clem shouted. Everyone stayed in their place. "Are you all fucking serious?" She rolled her eyes, gave AJ to Heidi and Kia and sprinted over to Violet and Minerva. She slid on her knees, grabbing the gun before Minnie could even lay a hand on it and stood up quick then pointing the gun at the redhead.

"Raise. Slowly," Clem commanded. Minnie lifted her hands. "Cause I'll shoot a lot quicker than you did." She slowly got off of Violet, Violet then scurrying over to her friends, breathless.

"Now, if you leave us alone and act like this never happened, I'll let you go. Understood?"

Minnie smirked. "Yeah." She backed up from the port with her hands still raised. All of a sudden, she grabbed the walkie on the side of her waist.

"Sebas! The newcomers are escaping! I repeat the newcomers are escaping! Liam, Kia, Aaron, Heidi, Jules, and Dawn have committed treason!"

"You sneaky little bitch—" Clem yelled then being stopped by the shock and fear that hit her when seeing Sebastian walk up to her.

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